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Small Business P2 Resources - EPA Region 7


Regional Programs
External Links

This page provides links to non-EPA web sites that provide additonal information about local resources. Providing links to a non-EPA Web site is not an endorsement of the other site or the information it contains by EPA or any of its employees. (see exit EPA)


EPA Region 7, Pollution Prevention Program
Services: Technical assistance
U.S. EPA Region 7 (ARTD/SWPP)
901 N 5th Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Fax: 913 551-7065

Contact: Marcus Rivas
Phone: 913-551-7669

Web Site: www.epa.gov/region7/p2/

Region 7 Pollution Prevention Regional Information Center (P2RIC)/ P2 Information Center
Services: Environmental assistance
University of Nebraska at Omaha
6001 Dodge Street, RH308
Omaha, NE 68182
Contact: Richard Yoder, PE (ryoder@unomaha.edu)
Director, P2ric.org
Vox: 402-554-6257
Fax: 402-554-6260

Web Site: www.p2ric.org

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Pollution Prevention Services, Department of Natural Resources
Services: Information and on-site assistance
502 East 9th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
Contact: Jeff Fiagle (jeff.fiagle@dnr.state.ia.us)
Phone: 515 281-5353
Fax: 515 281-8895
Web Site: www.iowap2services.com/

Iowa Waste Reduction Center
Services: Environmental assistance through research, education, and training
1005 Technology Parkway
Cedar Fall, IA 50613
Contact: John Konefes (john.konefes@uni.edu)
Phone: 319 273-8905
Fax: 319 268-3733
Web Site: www.iwrc.org/

Recycle Iowa
Services: technical and business waste reduction assistance, waste exchange services
Phone: 800-532-1216
Fax: 515 242-4776
E-mail: recycleiowa@ided.state.ia.us
Web Site: www.iowalifechanging.com/recycleiowa/

Hazardous Materials Training & Research Institute
Services:environmental health and safety education and training
Phone: 319 398-5678
Fax: 319 398-1250
E-mail: dfeil@kirkwood.cc.ia.us
Web site: www.hmtri.org/

Iowa Department of Economic Development - Iowa Business Assistance Team
Services: The Business Assistance Team provides resources and assistance to Iowa businesses on regulatory compliance, business licensing, recycling market development, and brownfield redevelopment.
Phone: 515.242.4901 or 800.532.1215
Website: www.iowalifechanging.com/business/

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Kansas State University Pollution Prevention Institute
Services: Technical assistance, publications, videos, and other resources
133 Ward Hall
Manhatten, KS 66506
Contacts: http://www.sbeap.org/contact.php
Phone: 800 578-8898
Fax: 785 532-6952
E-mail: sbeap@ksu.edu
Web Site: www.sbeap.org/

Small Business / Community Support, Department of Health & Environment
Services: Technical assistance, awards program, newsletter, resource links
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 430
Topeka, Kansas 66612
Contact: Cathy Colglazier (ccolglaz@kdhe.state.ks.us)
Phone: 785 296-0669
Fax: 785 291-3266
Web Site: www.kdheks.gov/sbcs/index.html

Bureau of Environmental Field Services, Department of Health and Environment
Services: Technical assistance, newsletter, resource links
1000 SW Jackson St, Suite 430
Topeka, KS 66612
Contact: John Mitchell (jmitchel@kdhe.state.ks.us)
Web Site: www.kdheks.gov/befs/index.html

Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center (MAMTC)
Manufacturing Extension Partnership

Services: Offers manufacturers high-quality, low-cost consultation that leads to bottom-line results
10561 Barkley Ste. 602
Overland Park, KS 66212
Phone: 913-649-4333 or outside the KC metro area: 800-653-4333
Fax: 620 276-9523
E-mail: Anne Brown (abrown@midusa.net)
Web site: www.mamtc.com/

City of Wichita Department of Environmental Services
Services: Air quality, water quality, environmental remediation, animal control, childcare licensing, food protection, environmental maintenance, neighborhood cleanups, pollution prevention and environmental education.
Contact: D. Kay Johnson
Address: 1900 East 9th Street
Wichita, KS 67214
Phone: (316) 268-8351
Fax: (316) 268-8390
E-mail: Kay Johnson (kjohnson@wichita.gov)
Web site: www.wichitagov.org/CityOffices/Environmental/

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Environmental Assistance Office, Department of Natural Resources
Services: Multi-media on-site assessments, awards program
PO Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Contact: David Goggins (nrgoggd@mail.state.mo.us)
Phone: 573 526-6627 toll free 1-800-361-4827
Fax: 573 526-5808
Web Site: www.dnr.mo.gov/geology/geosrv/envgeo/eau.htm

Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Natural Resources
Services: Multimedia technical assistance and on-site assessments
PO Box 176
Jefferson , MO 65102
Contact: Byron Shaw (nrshawb@mail.dnr.state.mo.us)
Phone: 573 526-6627
Fax: 573 526-5808
Web Site: www.dnr.mo.gov/env/apcp/smbus.htm

Bridging the Gap
Services: partnerships, waste prevention, environmental education, and business recycling
435 Westport Rd., #23
Kansas City, MO 64111
Phone: 816 561-1087
Toll free: 1-888-895-3605
Fax: 816 561-1091
E-mail: choose@bridgingthegap.org
Web site: www.bridgingthegap.org/

Missouri Environmental Assistance Center
The Missouri Environmental Assistance Center (MOEAC) is the one-stop resource for pollution prevention and environmental compliance assistance for Missouri small businesses.
University of Missouri
200 Engineering Bldg North
Columbia MO 65211

Choose Environmental Excellence-Gateway Region
The mission of Choose Environmental Excellence - Gateway Region is to generate commitment to environmental excellence in St. Louis Metropolitan Statistical Area through a working partnership with individuals, organizations, businesses, and government. The programs are designed to connect people to information -- providing the inspiration and recommended action to take simple steps.
Mailing Address: 9012A Manchester Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63144
Web site: www.ceegr.org/

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Nebraska Business Development Center
Services: Environmental assistance
Nebraska Business Development Center
College of Business Administration
Roskens Hall Room 415
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, NE 68182-0248
Contact: Robert E. Bernier
Phone: 402-595-1158
Web Site: www.nbdc.unomaha.edu/

Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environmental Quality
Services: Technical assistance and on-site assessments
1200 'N' Street, Suite 400
Lincoln, NE 68509
Contact: Stephanie Vap-Morrow
Phone: 402 471-7784
Fax: 402 471-2909
Web Site: www.deq.state.ne.us/P2.nsf/pages/P2Main

Small Business & Public Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality
Services: 'One-stop' technical assistance
Phone: 877 253-2603
Fax: 402 471-8697
E-mail: hugh.stirts@ndeq.state.ne.us
Web site: www.deq.state.ne.us/

Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department (LLCHD)
Services: technical assistance covering materials or process changes or substitutions, research, training seminars, Title V Air Permitting, Hazardous Waste collection and response
Phone: 402 441-8644
Fax: 402 441-8323
Web site: www.lincoln.ne.gov/city/health/environ/pollu/index.htm

Nebraska Materials Exchange Program
Services: free service which seeks to help businesses reduce wastes by finding users for reusable materials and/or recyclable materials
Phone: 800 486-4562 or 402 486-4622
Fax: 402 486-4563
E-mail: exchange@knb.org
Web site: www.knb.org/exchange.html

UNL Biological Systems Engineering
Services: P2 technical assistance, educational materials, and programs
Phone: 402 472-9614
Fax: 402 472-6338
Web site: p2.unl.edu/

Region 7 Pollution Prevention Regional Information Center (P2RIC) / P2 Information Center
Services: Environmental assistance
University of Nebraska at Omaha
6001 Dodge Street, RH308
Omaha, NE 68182
Contact: Richard Yoder, PE (ryoder@unomaha.edu)
Director, P2ric.org
Vox: 402-554-6257
Fax: 402-554-6260

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