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Garment & Textile Care Findings & Accomplishments

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The drycleaning industry made great strides in environmental improvements in recent years. Since the 1992 inception of the Garment and Textile Care Partnership, the use of perc has declined significantly, as illustrated in the following chart showing annual perc use by the U.S. drycleaning industry (supplied by TCATA, the Textile Care Allied Trades Association.)

   Perchloroethylene: Pounds Sold & Estimate of Imports Used 1987 - 2006

Graph - Perchloroethylene MM pounds per year 1986-2007: Click for text version

At least two new environmentally preferable cleaning processes have become established in the drycleaning industry and involve using water (wetcleaning) and liquid carbon dioxide as their primary solvent.

Another alternative technology uses a liquid silicone, Siloxane D5, as a solvent. This drycleaning process may prove to be an environmentally preferable alternative. However, at this time, we do not have adequate data to characterize the relative risk of D5. For more information, please read the fact sheet, Siloxane D5 in Dry Cleaning Applications. There is also a PDF version of Siloxane D5 in Dry Cleaning Applications available.

Other key Garment and Textile Care Partnership accomplishments include:

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