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The Labs identified below are EPA facilities that conduct scientific, technical, and research, activities including field and analytical services for EPA Regions and Programs Offices. The labs are listed by EPA Region and Program Office and displayed geographically on the maps below. Click on the maps below to find out more labs in your area.

EPA Regional Laboratories

Region 3 Region 3 Region 3 Region 2 Region 2 Region 1 Region 9 Region 10 Region 2 Region 4 Region 6 Region 5 Region 10 Region 9

Region 1
The EPA New England Regional Laboratory monitors and analyzes the health of the New England environment and its impacts on residents. The New England Regional Laboratory capabilities include: chemistry and biology laboratories, ecological field monitoring, air monitoring, investigations, and quality assurance.

Region 2
EPA's Division of Environmental Science and Assessment Laboratory Branch is responsible for measuring the levels of chemical, microbiological and biological contaminants in diverse media such as water, air, drinking water, sewage, soil, sediment, hazardous waste, etc.

Region 3
EPA's Environmental Science Center provides centralized analytical services and quality assurance support.

Region 4
EPA's Analytical Support Branch provides a full range of inorganic and organic analyses, customized techniques and method development, modern instrumentation in a state-of-the-art facility, and on-site and specialty procedures.

Region 5
EPA's Central Regional Laboratory provides expertise, training and scientific data of known and appropriate quality to support the Region and Agency's decisions, including Regional and state enforcement actions, through partnership.

Region 6
EPA's Environmental Services Branch - Houston Laboratory provides support to Region 6 programs. It provides quality assured analytical support using state-of-the-art techniques and methodology for organic, inorganic, and biological analyses. Laboratory personnel also perform evaluations and audits of environmental monitoring laboratories and public water supply laboratories.

Region 9
EPA's Region 9 Laboratory is a full service, state-of-the-art facility specializing in chemical analysis, biological analysis, and field sampling services.

Region 10
EPA's Manchester Environmental Laboratory provides high quality physical, chemical, biological and microbiological analyses in support of the following EPA programs: air, surface water, drinking water, Superfund, pesticides, and hazardous materials.

EPA Program Office Laboratories

EPA's Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances Labs EPA's Office of Water Labs EPA's Office of Air and Radiation Labs EPA's Office of Research and Development Labs Gulf Breeze, Florida OW Bay St. Louis, Mississippi OPPTS Montgomery, Alabama OAR Athens, Georgia ORD Research Triangle Park, North Carolina ORD Ft. Meade, Maryland OPPTS Edison, New Jersey ORD Narragansett, Rhode Island ORD Cincinnati, Ohio ORD Cincinnati, Ohio ORD Grosse Ile, Michigan ORD Ann Arbor, Michigan OAR Lake Guardian OW Duluth, Minnesota ORD Ada, Oklahoma ORD Newport, Oregon ORD Corvallis, Oregon ORD Las Vegas, Nevada ORD Las Vegas, Nevada OAR

EPA's Office of Research and Development Labs:

EPA's Office of Water Labs:

  • "Lake Guardian" - The research vessel Lake Guardian is EPA's largest research and monitoring vessel. It is the only self-contained, non-polluting research ship on the Great Lakes. The research vessel Lake Guardian, operated by the EPA's Chicago-based Great Lakes National Program Office, is used extensively, to support EPA monitoring and research activities. It is also used to support research activities conducted by federal, state, and, local agencies, and universities.

EPA's Office of Air and Radiation Labs:

  • Montgomery, Alabama: National Air and Radiation Environmental Laboratory (NAREL) - posses a comprehensive environmental laboratory for measuring environmental radioactivity and evaluating its risk to the public.

  • Ann Arbor, Michigan: National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory - is responsible for developing national regulatory programs to reduce mobile source related air pollution; evaluating emission control technology; testing vehicles, engines, and fuels; and determining compliance with Federal emissions and fuel economy standards.

  • Las Vegas, Nevada: Radiation and Indoor Environments National Laboratory - provides technical support for numerous radiation protection and control activities, conducts site investigations, radon assessments and evaluations, health assessment modeling, and indoor air studies.

EPA's Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances Labs:

  • Bay St. Louis, Mississippi: Environmental Chemistry Lab

  • Ft. Meade, Maryland:

    • Analytical Chemistry Branch Laboratory - evaluates analytical methods for detecting pesticide residues in food and fibers to make sure they are suitable for monitoring pesticide residues in food and to enforce maximum legal residue limits.

    • Antimicrobial and Plant Pathogens Branch's Microbiology Laboratory - tests registered antimicrobial pesticides (in particular, hospital disinfectants and tuberculocides) to ensure that they function as claimed (efficacy testing), that is, they kill the germs the label claim the product will kill.

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