US Imports of Steel Mill Products

Quantity in Metric Tons
Same Table - US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

'C & A' = Carbon and Alloy products, 'S' = Stainless products

Graph Product Census Data Preliminary
Census Data
License Data
  FEB08 MAR08 APR08 MAY08 JUN08 JUL08 AUG08 SEP08 OCT08 NOV08 DEC08 JAN09 FEB09 MAR09 MAR09 APR09
All Steel Mill   Products
M All Steel Mill Products 109,964 52,342 156,464 92,846 154,488 96,617 80,865 96,878 105,606 34,085 101,281 39,550 60,127 43,411 40,226 28,954
Carbon and Alloy Products
M All Carbon and Alloy Products 108,623 49,197 153,740 90,312 152,887 94,976 79,604 95,374 104,000 32,972 99,543 38,276 59,510 42,881 35,633 27,975
M Semi-Finished -- C & A 65,417 9,064 119,211 63,563 127,575 66,160 69,303 67,978 67,385 4,770 76,974 1,464 6,280 2,167 628.5 172.0
M Long Products -- C & A 18,317 24,249 21,666 10,531 11,707 15,383 6,500 17,056 16,295 13,551 9,957 7,007 7,038 7,382 7,391 2,814
M Flat Products -- C & A 23,653 9,635 5,821 10,927 5,767 10,148 1,293 2,032 14,582 3,314 9,548 16,309 46,033 19,570 19,340 24,850
M Pipe and Tube -- C & A 1,235 6,247 7,042 5,290 7,836 3,284 2,506 8,306 5,737 11,335 3,062 13,495 158.2 13,761 8,273 137.9
Stainless        Products
M All Stainless Products 1,341 3,145 2,723 2,533 1,600 1,640 1,260 1,503 1,605 1,112 1,737 1,273 617.0 529.6 4,592 979.0
M Flat Products -- S 1,318 3,129 2,680 2,462 1,298 1,486 1,176 1,248 1,550 1,112 1,733 1,273 565.0 529.6 557.8 804.0
M Long Products -- S 22.4 15.1 27.5 71.7 287.8 153.5 84.5 5.13 55.0 . 4.41 . 51.9 . 0.20 1.36
M Pipe and Tube -- S 0.56 0.63 15.1 . 7.12 . . 249.6 . . . . . . 4,034 173.6
M Semi-Finished -- S . . . . 6.56 . . . . . . . . . . .

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: May 5, 2009, with
Licensing data collected through May 5, 2009 and
Preliminary Census data compiled through March 2009
Data listed in order of descending volume imported during last THREE months of Census data, including peliminary data
Steel mill categories are defined by 10-digit HTS codes
Data extracted from the import licenses are not official Census data
To see License Data at HTS 6-digit level click on chart title at the top of the page.

Link to Annual Summary of Census Data