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  Wood Products Industry
TABLE R3: Number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work1 by industry and selected sources of injury or illness, 1997

Wood Products Industry, selected SIC codes

Industry2 SIC code3 Total Cases Source of injury or illness4
Chemicals and chemical products Containers  Furniture and fixtures
Manufacturing           446,109 10,243 61,916 12,069
Lumber and wood products 24 31,055 137 1,769 523
Sawmills and planing mills  242 8,482 _ 220 _
Sawmills and planing mills, general 2421 7,141 _ 121 _
Hardwood dimension and flooring mills 2426 1,221 _ 99 _
Millwork, plywood and structural members 243 9,015 _ 411 349
Millwork 2431 4,121 _ 210 106
Wood kitchen cabinets 2434 1,967 _ 92 170
Hardwood  veneer and plywood 2435 665 _ 46 26
Softwood veneer and plywood 2436 459 _ 8 14
Structural wood members, n.e.c. 2439 1,803 _ 55 _
Wood containers 244 3,368 _ 673 _
Wood pallets and skids 2448 2,971 _ 673 _
Wood buildings and mobile homes 245 4,013 49 181 94
Mobile homes 2451 3,121 49 150 82
Prefabricated wood buildings 2452 893 _ 30 12
Miscellaneous wood products 249 2,293 19 233 31
Wood preserving 2491 266 _ _ _
Reconstituted wood products 2493 414 _ 63 _
Wood products, n.e.c. 2499 1,613 _ 171 _
Furniture and fixtures 25 14,322 113 1,493 1,845
Household furniture 251 7,572 63 842 1,163
Wood household furniture 2511 3,741 _ 398 298
Upholstered household furniture 2512 1,371 18 141 253
Office furniture 252 1,418 _ 100 231
Wood office furniture 2521 742 16 52 128
Public building and related furniture 253 1,271   _ 142 92
Partitions and fixtures 254 3,310 _ 277 258
Wood partitions and fixtures 2541 2,181 _ 92 214
Miscellaneous furniture and fixtures 259 751 _ 133 102

Table R3 continues.

Industry2 Source of injury or illness4
Machinery Parts and materials Worker motion of position Floors, walkways or ground surfaces Handtools
Manufacturing 251 1,239 216 _ 220
Wood buildings and mobile homes 221 1,113 483 745 350
Mobile homes 168 860 297 661 289
Prefabricated wood buildings 53 253 186 84 61
Miscellaneous wood products 436 532 385 169 135
Wood preserving  27 80 47 _ _
Reconstituted wood products 73 61 59 _ _
Wood products, n.e.c. 336 391 279 105 99
Furniture and fixtures 1,958 2,959 1,842 1,066 754
Household furniture 996 1,386 979 601 323
Wood household furniture 653 830 372 335 141
Upholstered household furniture 137 198 245 110 75
Office furniture 151 282 206 100 68
Wood office furniture 60 161 109 44 60
Public building and related furniture 119 241 317 89 48
Partitions and fixtures 555 902 291 191 277
Wood partitions and fixtures 478 532 148 122 215
Miscellaneous furniture and fixtures 139 147 50 86 38

Table R3 continues.

Industry2 Source of injury or illness4
Vehicles Health care patient All other sources5
Manufacturing 21,901 31 56,946
Lumber and wood products 1,449 _ 5,549
Sawmills and planing mills 635 _ 1,147
Sawmills and planing mills, general 616 _ 979
Hardwood dimension and flooring mills 19 _ 120
Millwork, plywood and structural members 369 _ 1,778
Millwork 194 _ 731
Wood kitchen cabinets 86 _ 277
Hardwood veneer and plywood 22 _ 132
Softwood veneer and plywood 29 _ 73
Structural wood members, n.e.c. _ _ 565
Wood containers 106 _ 193
Wood pallets and skids 102 _ 175
Wood buildings and mobile homes 104 _ 672
Mobile homes 66 _ 498
Prefabricated wood buildings 38 _ 174
Miscellaneous wood products 80 _ 273
Wood preserving _ _ 54
Reconstituted wood products 18 _ 52
Wood products, n.e.c. 39 _ 167
Furniture and fixtures 647 _ 1,644
Household furniture 350 _ 870
Wood household furniture 213 _ 476
Upholstered household furniture 93 _ 101
Office furniture 91 _ 169
Wood office furniture _ _ 90
Public building and related furniture 72 _ 148
Partitions and fixtures 127 _ 408
Wood partitions and fixtures 92 _ 280
Miscellaneous furniture and fixtures _ _ 50

1Days-away-from-work cases include those which result in days away from work with or without restricted work activity.

2Totals include data for industries not shown separately.

3Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987 Edition

4Data shown in columns correspond to the following Source codes: Chemicals and chemical products = 00-09; Containers = 10-19; Furniture and fixtures = 20-29; Machinery = 30-39; Parts and materials = 40-49; Worker motion or position = 562; Floors, walkways or ground surfaces = 62; Handtools = 71-73; Vehicles = 80-89; Health care patient = 573; All other sources = all remaining codes, including 9999(Nonclassifiable).  These codes are based on the 1992 Occupational Injury and Illness Classification System developed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

5Includes nonclassifiable responses.

NOTE: Dashes indicate data that are not available.  Because of rounding, data may not sum to totals.

n.e.c.= not elsewhere classified.

Data obtained from BLS Case and Demographic Characteristics for Workplace injuries and Illnesses Involving Days Away From Work - 1997

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