US Imports of Steel Mill Products

Quantity in Metric Tons
Same Table - US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

'C & A' = Carbon and Alloy products, 'S' = Stainless products

Graph Product Census Data Preliminary
Census Data
License Data
  FEB08 MAR08 APR08 MAY08 JUN08 JUL08 AUG08 SEP08 OCT08 NOV08 DEC08 JAN09 FEB09 MAR09 MAR09 APR09
All Steel Mill   Products
M All Steel Mill Products 607,619 658,467 705,445 630,408 609,755 596,238 440,736 498,180 466,386 301,766 243,537 256,484 274,364 313,584 321,548 243,638
Carbon and Alloy Products
M All Carbon and Alloy Products 605,886 656,494 703,524 628,640 607,765 594,762 439,312 496,332 464,757 300,453 242,592 255,251 273,283 312,275 320,332 242,696
M Flat Products -- C & A 267,761 283,148 300,670 283,893 253,544 255,821 203,952 227,562 203,281 141,660 122,171 143,936 166,138 194,275 201,606 95,231
M Long Products -- C & A 121,510 126,617 142,414 136,196 126,059 117,912 99,464 99,037 93,401 71,185 66,377 57,735 60,318 55,116 54,241 45,545
M Pipe and Tube -- C & A 108,541 141,438 129,768 129,079 127,181 96,548 82,415 80,767 78,272 63,222 46,331 46,681 42,165 51,709 52,989 69,406
M Semi-Finished -- C & A 108,072 105,290 130,670 79,471 100,980 124,480 53,480 88,965 89,800 24,384 7,711 6,899 4,660 11,174 11,495 32,513
Stainless        Products
M All Stainless Products 1,732 1,972 1,921 1,768 1,989 1,475 1,423 1,847 1,629 1,312 945.4 1,232 1,080 1,308 1,215 941.8
M Pipe and Tube -- S 1,416 1,576 1,487 1,400 1,513 1,179 1,254 1,587 1,280 1,070 683.5 957.0 763.0 1,029 984.2 707.7
M Long Products -- S 248.6 189.1 243.5 282.0 241.7 186.1 122.8 200.9 208.2 178.3 142.6 129.5 151.4 89.4 93.2 118.0
M Flat Products -- S 65.4 200.9 170.6 60.7 216.5 93.8 35.7 58.4 139.4 62.5 116.6 138.0 135.5 163.5 118.4 79.4
M Semi-Finished -- S 1.93 6.16 19.4 25.2 18.4 15.4 11.1 0.83 0.94 1.53 2.73 8.22 30.2 25.5 19.8 36.5

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: May 5, 2009, with
Licensing data collected through May 5, 2009 and
Preliminary Census data compiled through March 2009
Data listed in order of descending volume imported during last THREE months of Census data, including peliminary data
Steel mill categories are defined by 10-digit HTS codes
Data extracted from the import licenses are not official Census data
To see License Data at HTS 6-digit level click on chart title at the top of the page.

Link to Annual Summary of Census Data