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  ASEE Partnership
ASEE Chemical Engineering Division exit EPA disclaimer and EPA together have assisted in the dissemination of of a green engineering text, Green Engineering: Environmentally Conscious Design of Chemical Processes, as well as modules and case studies to be utilized in the classroom. One major important step taken to draw the attention of academia is academic workshops for professors. The Chemical Engineering Summer School exit EPA disclaimer organized by the Chemical Engineering Division of ASEE, will be also a major platform for the dissemination of green engineering materials to professors.

Academic Workshops for Professors

Using material from the Green Engineering text, Green Engineering: Environmentally Conscious Design of Chemical Processes, modules have been developed to help "train the trainers", which includes the following information:

  • student handouts
  • an instructor's guide
  • case studies
  • and supplemental material from the textbook
EPA’s partner, the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Chemical Engineering Division exit EPA disclaimer, distributed modules, textbook materials, and software tools at its academic workshops. ASEE in conjunction with EPA, hosted these workshops that demonstrated green engineering concepts, tools, and models within an academic setting.

ASEE Summer School exit EPA disclaimer

The Chemical Engineering Summer School organized by the Chemical Engineering Division of ASEE, is held every 5 years. The last workshop in 2002 was the 11th year of the summer school. Approximately 180 professors representing various schools throughout the U.S., gather at the summer school, which fosters a learning environment to assist professors in becoming better educators. Also, the summer school provides an excellent platform for innovative ideas within the chemical engineering curriculum. One of the major themes for the last Summer School was "Green Chemical Engineering". ASEE facilitated the instruction of the new textbook, Green Engineering: Environmentally Conscious Design of Chemical Processes while promoting a Green Engineering curriculum. Interaction between faculty and industry has produced some of the most fruitful discussions on undergraduate and graduate education during meals and "free time".

The School's Success exit EPA disclaimer

The impressive selection of testimonials from previous sessions attest to the school's success. Professors have found the ASEE Summer School to be a tremendous resource for their classes, providing a wealth of materials and ideas, which elevate the comprehension and interest of their students.

Encouraging Implementation

ASEE encourages the incorporation of green engineering principles into the chemical engineering curriculum by managing an incentives program. This program is geared toward professors and students who demonstrate innovative application of green engineering concepts, or novel use of green engineering education in current curricula.

One incentive program hosted by ASEE is a poster contest for students judged by an industry panel at the annual AIChE Conference. For more information about this an other programs, contact, Robert P. Hesketh, Chemical Engineering Department, Rowan University at hesketh@rowan.edu exit EPA disclaimer or phone: 865-256-5313.


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The Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) exit EPA disclaimer is helping to provide links between environmental engineering faculty and the Green Engineering program in order to develop and incorporate relevant green engineering materials for the environmental

engineering profession. An area of possible future incorporation is the annual Conference on Environmental Engineering Research and Education. AEESP co-sponsors this conference with the American Academy of Environmental Engineers.

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  Green Engineering Textbook
The goal of EPA's Chemical Engineering Branch (CEB) is to introduce a "green" philosophy into chemical engineering programs through the development of environmental information disseminated to the academic and industrial communities. This effort comes at a time when many universities are strengthening their engineering education programs to include protection of the environment. The first step in the achievement of this goal has been the development of a Green Engineering textbook, Green Engineering: Environmentally Conscious Design of Chemical Processes, as well as a class outline.

In developing this textbook, EPA has responded to a need, which has been and continues to be expressed by academia; the need for a standardized course and text on green engineering, which emphasizes pollution prevention and incorporates risk as key principles. Current textbooks and courses on pollution prevention in chemical engineering emphasize waste minimization and do not incorporate an environmental risk assessment component. The Green Engineering textbook, on the other hand, emphasizes risk as a key principle. CEB’s expertise in risk assessment is a valuable resource for development of Green Engineering: Environmentally Conscious Design of Chemical Processes, a text for chemical engineering.

The CEB’s textbook and class outline has been designed in a modular format - allowing universities to incorporate the entire course as a technical elective, or incorporate chapters of the course into current chemical engineering curricula. This material is disseminated to chemical engineering professors through American Society of Engineering Education's (ASEE) Chemical Engineering Division via a series of "Educate the Educator" sessions. Visit the Workshops page for additional information.

Interest in green engineering curriculum goes far beyond the chemical engineering field. In addition to academia, Green Engineering curriculum material will be provided to AIChE for development of workshops and other training materials targeted for new and practicing engineers. Future projects will include tailoring the chemical engineering curriculum to other engineering and science fields.

A solutions guide to the homework problems is available for instructors using the textbook in their classrooms.

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  Engineering Program Accreditation
In the United States, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) exit EPA disclaimer is responsible for the specialized accreditation of educational programs in engineering, engineering technology and engineering-related fields. Engineering schools across the nation are reexamining their curriculum in light of ABET's Engineering Criteria exit EPA disclaimer. These criteria require "a broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context." The specific chemical engineering criteria require "a working knowledge, including safety and environmental aspects, of material and energy balances applied to chemical engineering processes."

EPA’s Green Engineering textbook and course materials will help engineering schools meet the requirements mandated by Engineering Criteria. For example, the figure below (click on the figure to enlarge) demonstrates that a curriculum that incorporates green engineering principles, improves significantly a student's understanding of the impacts of engineering solutions in a global context (ABET criteria H).

Comparisons of engineering curricula with and without Green Engineering materials.
From "Strategic Plan for Improving Undergraduate Engineering Education at the University of Arizona: A Progress Report," by V. Johnson, E. Berman, C. Chan, E. Fernandez, G. Gerhard, J. Goldberg, K. Lansey, P.Lever, D. Lynch, E.Nowatzki, K. Ogden, J. Ramberg, D. Slack, P. Wirsching, presented at the AIChE meeting in Dallas, TX 1999.

In addition, EPA's Green Engineering materials are expected to aid institutions in strengthening their fulfillment of ABET criteria J, "Knowledge of contemporary issues." Download the complete chart that includes all ABET criteria (Excel, 19 KB or PDF, 9 KB).

View a sample report (PDF, 866 KB) presented at the 1999 AIChE meeting in Dallas, TX entitled "Strategic Plan for Improving Undergraduate Engineering Education at the University of Arizona", which describes an outline for the improvement of engineering education at the University of Arizona.

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