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EPA's framework for Pollution Prevention is divided into the following five focus areas.

A Guiding Social Principle

United States environmental policy is based upon the environmental management hierarchy, which directs us to prevent pollution in the first place, whenever feasible. Educating industry and the general public to the virtues of prevention is necessary to change from a culture that tolerates pollution to a sustainable one which increasingly eliminates pollution at the source. EPA's overall objective is to promote source reduction as the core environmental ethic of society. More specific objectives include the following:

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Sustainable Business Practices

Although American industry and business is responsible for much of the nation's pollution, these same institutions are also critical to prevent pollution in the future. Industry, through eco-efficiency, sustainable development and other movements, should play a leadership role in pollution source reduction. EPA's overall objective is to promote pollution prevention approaches and techniques as an essential part of how businesses operate. More specific objectives include the following:

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Government Actions

This priority area will continue to be the EPA's primary focus of pollution prevention activity. EPA's overall objective is to integrate P2 into its regulatory and other mainstream programs, so it truly becomes the Agency's "principle of first choice" in all its endeavors. More specific objectives include the following:

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Cleaner Technologies and Processes

Industry can hardly abandon standard chemical use and production processes without preferable and reliable options, and EPA, along with other agencies of the Federal government, has helped to identify some innovative and successful alternatives. EPA's overall objective is to help companies continuously identify and apply cleaner technologies and practices. More specific objectives include the following:

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Safe Products

Although toxic emissions are decreasing, the creation and use of toxics in American society is on the rise -- and the source of these increased toxics is often the products we use. Consumers have a right to know what chemicals are in the products and services they purchase, and the hazards associated with those chemicals. EPA's overall objective is to ensure safe consumer products and services. More specific objectives include the following:

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