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National Pollution Prevention Resource Guide

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These resources will help you learn about pollution prevention approaches and innovative technologies. Most of the resources listed here will provide you with free, confidential and personalized assistance to identify and implement cost-effective pollution prevention measures. Other tools and resources allow you to perform a self-assessment. Good luck in pursuing your pollution prevention and waste reduction goals!


EPA Pollution Prevention Home Page
Phone: 202 566-0799
The EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics established this Web site to provide general information about pollution prevention practices. The Web site also describes the array of pollution prevention programs and initiatives administered by EPA and other organizations and provides contacts for further information.

The Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) Exit EPA Disclaimer
Phone: 217 244-6553
The Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) is a national network of regional centers providing specialized information, best management practices, contacts and expert referrals, training and conferences, and networking opportunities.

EPA Small Business Environmental Home Page Exit EPA Disclaimer
Phone: 412 577-2649
The Small Business Environmental Home Page helps businesses access environmental compliance and pollution prevention information.

EPA Small Business Ombudsman (SBO)
Hotline: 800 368-5888
The EPA Small Business Ombudsman (SBO) acts as an advocate for small businesses by facilitating dialogue between the small-business community and EPA. The SBO Web site provides lists of free publications on federal environmental regulations and regulatory trends, provides answers to frequently asked regulatory questions, and includes a link to the SBO Update newsletter. The SBO hotline also provides federal regulatory and technical assistance information to small businesses and small-business trade associations.

EPA Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) Web Site
Small businesses and technical assistance providers might want to visit this Web site periodically to learn of opportunities for small entities to participate in developing certain regulations. This Web site also provides Small Entity Compliance Guides for each final regulation in which SBREFA requires preparation of a final regulatory flexibility analysis. These guides provide small businesses with a plain-language explanation of how to comply with the regulation.

National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR) Exit EPA Disclaimer
Phone: 888 745-7272
The National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR) is the largest organization in the U.S. devoted entirely to pollution prevention. Its Web site contains a wide range of information about pollution prevention practices and resources, including contacts and pollution prevention documents and reports.

GreenBiz.com Exit EPA Disclaimer
GreenBiz.com, an online resource center maintained by the Green Business Network, provides a single location on the Internet for the latest information on business, the environment, and the bottom line. Features include pollution prevention resources, a business toolbox, reference desk, and various search engines such as news stories, Web sites, government programs, books, and more.

Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI) Exit EPA Disclaimer
Phone: 202 296-7449
The Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI) is an international network of businesses helping businesses achieve environmental excellence. At this Web site, businesses can learn more about current environmental business topics including "green" purchasing, measuring environmental performance, and environmental managerial accounting. The Web site provides a forum for businesses to network and share best practices. The Web site also includes tools to help businesses assess and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and perform benchmarking to evaluate environmental performance.

WaterWiser Exit EPA Disclaimer
Phone: 800 926-7337
WaterWiser is an Internet-based clearinghouse of water efficiency and conservation information. The Web site presents an extensive reference database and products directory, as well as commercial and industrial water conservation tips and information on water saving devices and water efficiency service companies.

Clean Air Technology Center (CATC) Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Clean Air Technology Center (CATC) serves as a resource on all areas of emerging and existing air pollution prevention and control technologies, and provides public access to data and information on their use, effectiveness, and cost. In addition, CATC provides technical support related to the technical and economic feasibility, operation, and maintenance of these technologies.

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Compliance Assistance Centers Exit EPA Disclaimer
Phone: 202 564-7076
The EPA Office of Compliance, in partnership with industry, academic institutions, environmental groups, and other federal and state agencies, has established this online network of national compliance assistance centers for several specific industry sectors including automotive service and repair, printing, paints and coatings, chemical manufacturing, printed wiring board manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and metal finishing.

P2 GEMS Exit EPA Disclaimer
P2 GEMS is a free Internet search tool for facility planners, engineers, and managers who are looking for technical, process, and materials management information. P2 GEMS allows users to search by keyword or by selecting one of four categories: product or industry, chemical or waste, management tools, or process.

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Voluntary partnership programs provide free technical assistance and public recognition to businesses that set voluntary goals to go beyond environmental compliance. Focusing on pollution prevention, organizations set and reach environmental goals such as conserving water and energy or reducing greenhouse gases, toxic emissions, and solid wastes.

Design for the Environment Program
Phone: 202 564-8780
Building on the "design for the environment" concept pioneered by industry, EPA's Design for the Environment (DfE) Program helps businesses incorporate environmental considerations into the design and redesign of products, processes, and technical and management systems. DfE forms voluntary partnerships with industry, universities, research institutions, public interest groups, and other government agencies.

EnergyStar Small Business Program
Phone: 888 STAR-YES (782-7937)
Energy Star provides technical support and information on how to reduce energy consumption and save money, including success stories and energy reduction tips. The site also offers specific energy-saving techniques for the lodging industry, restaurants, and home-based businesses. Use the Web site to link to numerous financial resources that help small businesses implement energy-efficiency measures.

Phone: 800 EPA-WISE (372-9473)
WasteWise is voluntary program that helps businesses of all sizes identify and implement cost-effective measures to reduce solid waste through recycling, manufacture of new products using recycled raw materials, and the procurement of recycled products. The WasteWise program provides extensive information and resources to businesses that want to eliminate costly municipal solid waste and save money.

Water Sense
Phone: (866) WTR-SENSE (toll-free WaterSense Helpline)

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Financial assistance resources are available to help small businesses implement pollution prevention measures. In addition to the listings below, some state environmental regulatory agencies and technical assistance programs provide funding to small businesses interested in reducing waste and increasing efficiency.

Small Business Administration Pollution Control Loan Program Exit EPA Disclaimer
Phone: 800 UASK-SBA (827-5722)
Pollution control loans are intended to provide loan guarantees to eligible small businesses for the financing of the planning, design, or installation of pollution control measures. The facility must prevent, reduce, abate, or control any form of pollution through various methods, including recycling.

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
Phone: 800 490-9194
Through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program, EPA makes awards to small high-tech firms (for profit organizations with 500 employees or less) for research and development of cutting-edge technologies, including pollution prevention efforts. Information on how to apply for a grant and past program success stories are available on the SBIR Web site.

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Industry Sector Notebooks
The EPA's Office of Compliance has developed a series of profiles or notebooks containing information on selected major industries, including dry cleaning, printing, and wood furniture. Each notebook provides comprehensive industrial process information, regulatory requirements, and pollution prevention techniques. These documents may be viewed online or printed copies can be ordered for a fee (between $6 and $25 depending on length) from the Government Printing Office by calling 202 512-1800.

EPA Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC)
Phone: 202 566-0799
The Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC) is a free, non-regulatory service of EPA and is dedicated to reducing or eliminating industrial pollutants through technology transfer, education, and public awareness. Contact the clearinghouse to order selected EPA documents, pamphlets, information packets, and fact sheets on pollution prevention or view them online. The clearinghouse can also answer questions about pollution prevention or refer callers to appropriate contacts for additional information.

EPA National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP)
The National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) maintains and distributes EPA publications in hard copy, CD-ROM, and other multimedia formats. NSCEP also develops and distributes the annual EPA National Publications Catalog. The Web site allows users to search the catalog for pollution prevention documents and other related topics. Order documents online or by another method listed below (note that you must have the EPA publication number and/or title of the document available when ordering).
Phone: 800 490-9189 or 513 490-8190
Fax: 513 489-8695
E-mail: ncepmail@one.net
Mail: U.S. EPA/NSCEP, P.O. Box 42419, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242-0419

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