OIG FOIA Requests

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the federal law, enacted in 1966, that makes government information accessible to the people.

Prior to submitting a FOIA request, you should determine if the information you are seeking is available on our website.  FOIA states that "any reasonably segregable portion of a record shall be provided to any person requesting such record after deletion of the portions which are exempt."  Redacted versions of audit reports are available on our website.



How to file a FOIA request


Your request must be in writing and include the following information:


·         Provide your name, address and telephone number. Also, if you have an email address, please provide it, so that we can contact you if 
          we have questions about your request.

·         Provide as much detail as possible about the records you are requesting. Indicate whether you are requesting the information in a form 
          or format other than paper.

·         State your willingness to pay any fees, and how much you are willing to pay as advance authorization.

If you are mailing the request, please mark prominently on the envelope 'FOIA Request.'



FOIA request processing time

Once our office has received your request, we have 20 working days to respond with a determination of whether to grant the request.  If information is denied in full or in part, our office will inform you of the reason(s) for the denial by this deadline.  If granted, our office does not have to deliver the applicable documents within the timeframe, but must do so promptly thereafter.