About Us

About the Inspector General FHFA-OIG Organization Chart

Deputy (Acting) Inspector General Edward Kelley has over 36 years of
federal government experience. His entire government experience has involved the conduct of audits and investigations. As a result of the different positions he has held, and the diverse types of audits and investigations in which he has been involved, he has a thorough understanding of various federal government operations. He has experience both with the Federal Housing Finance Board (Finance Board) and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (Bank Board) in starting new Offices of Inspectors General. His active involvement in related professional organizations also allows him to stay current on matters impacting the Inspectors General community.

In addition to his current position as Deputy Inspector General, Mr. Kelley has served as: Inspector General and Deputy Inspector General at the Federal Housing Finance Board; Assistant Inspector General for Special Audits and Investigations at the Bank Board; Audit Manager in the Bank Board's Office of Inspector General; and supervisory auditor at the U.S. General Accounting Office.

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