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School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)

Table 8.  Number and percentage of public secondary schools reporting violent and other incidents of hate crimes with the number of incidents reported, by selected school characteristics: 1999–2000

School characteristic Violent incidents1   Serious violent incidents2   Theft3   Other incidents4
Number of schools Percent of schools Number of inci-
  Number of schools Percent of schools Number of inci-
  Number of schools Percent of schools Number of inci-
  Number of schools Percent of schools Number of inci-
All public secondary schools 723 6 2,095   148 1 226   125 1 208   372 3 621
Enrollment size                              
Less than 300 # # #   # # #    
300–499 133 7 148     # # #   90 5 157
500–999 132 4 162     60 2 124   99 3 147
1,000 or more459 9 1,786   108 2 186     175 4 308
City 201 9 887   49 2 119   63 3 146   105 4 151
Urban fringe 278 7 703   51 1 51   # # #   89 2 128
Town 83 5 156       72 4 141
Rural 161 4 350       106 3 202
Crime level where students live5                              
High   # # #   # # #  
Moderate 163 9 585   49 3 69     84 4 122
Low 411 5 1,009   61 1 61   74 1 74   199 2 313
Mixed 140 9 492   37 3 95     76 5 160
Percent minority enrollment5                              
0–5 percent 142 4 273       115 3 144
6–20 percent 178 6 821   25 1 25     95 3 208
21–50 percent 221 9 309   45 2 65   # # #   66 3 137
More than 50 percent 182 7 691   53 2 102   63 2 146   96 4 132
Percent of students eligible for free/reduced-price lunch                              
0–20 percent 307 6 754   61 1 81     114 2 179
21–50 percent 300 6 785   56 1 64     186 4 346
More than 50 percent 117 5 556     85 4 169   73 3 97
Percent of students below 15th percentile on standardized tests                              
0–5 percent 174 5 579       63 2 83
6–15 percent 318 6 857   83 2 141     142 3 253
More than 15 percent 231 8 659   46 2 66     167 6 285
Percent of students likely to attend college                              
0–35 percent 134 5 618       86 3 134
36–60 percent 229 6 531       86 2 123
More than 60 percent 361 7 946   102 2 114   39 1 39   200 4 365
Percent of students who consider academic achievement important                              
0–25 percent   # # #   # # #  
26–50 percent 148 6 408       113 5 141
51–75 percent 248 6 882   62 2 82   60 1 124   106 3 166
More than 75 percent 304 7 759   67 2 87     143 3 284
Percent male enrollment                              
0–44 percent 63 6 462     # # #   39 3 83
45–55 percent 600 6 1,298   110 1 151   74 1 74   277 3 434
More than 55 percent 60 6 335       57 6 104
Student/teacher ratio5,6                              
Less than 12 126 4 168   50 1 50     104 3 194
12–16 211 5 629     39 1 39   166 4 247
More than 16 337 10 998   59 2 80     84 2 162
Number of classroom changes5                              
0–3 changes     # # #  
4–6 changes 386 7 1,335   82 1 147   90 2 173   228 4 406
More than 6 changes 302 6 714   54 1 66     124 3 175
Use of paid law enforcement7                              
Regular use 702 7 2,074   148 1 226   90 1 173   372 4 621
No regular use   # # #     # # #
Number of serious discipline problems8                              
No problems 200 4 403       67 1 87
1 problem 174 7 553   64 2 121   85 3 169   103 4 155
2 problems 171 8 568       78 4 114
3 or more problems 178 8 572   45 2 53   # # #   124 5 265
Transfers as percentage of enrollment5,9                              
0 to 6 percent 64 2 252     60 2 60   155 4 204
6 to 11 percent 181 7 443   41 2 41     77 3 161
11 to 21 percent 243 10 668   46 2 46   # # #   71 3 132
21 percent or more 162 7 376   34 1 67     40 2 85
Prevalence of schoolwide disruptions5,10                              
No disruptions 475 6 1,370   87 1 132   92 1 111   307 4 502
Any disruptions 212 7 554   61 2 94     46 2 46
Percent of students absent without excuses                              
None     # # #  
1–2 percent 262 7 494   51 1 51     103 3 218
3–5 percent 227 6 600       79 2 115
6–10 percent 161 7 465   30 1 50     77 3 161
More than 10 percent 48 5 378   39 4 89     105 11 118
# Rounds to zero.
‡ Reporting standards not met.
1 Violent incidents include rape, sexual battery other than rape, physical attack or fight with or without a weapon, threat of physical attack with or without a weapon, and robbery with or without a weapon.
2 Serious violent incidents include rape, sexual battery other than rape, physical attack or fight with a weapon, threat of physical attack with a weapon, and robbery with or without a weapon.
3 Theft/larceny (taking things over $10 without personal confrontation) was defined for respondents as, "the unlawful taking of another person's property without personal confrontation, threat, violence, or bodily harm. Included are pocket picking, stealing purse or backpack (if left unattended or no force was used to take it from owner), theft from a building, theft from a motor vehicle or motor vehicle parts or accessories, theft of bicycles, theft from vending machines, and all other types of thefts."
4 Other incidents include possession of a firearm or explosive device, possession of a knife or sharp object, distribution of illegal drugs, possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs, sexual harassment, or vandalism.
5 Some schools are omitted from these categories because of missing data on their school characteristics. For this reason, the detailed results do not sum to the totals. See appendix J of 2000 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) Detailed Data Documentation (NCES 2004-307) for further information.
6 Student/teacher ratio was calculated by dividing the total number of students enrolled in the school by the total number of full-time equivalent teachers. The total number of full-time equivalent teachers is a combination of the full-time and part-time teachers, including special education teachers, with an adjustment to compensate for the part-time status.
7 Schools were included as regularly using paid law enforcement if they reported the use of paid law enforcement during any of the following times: at any time during school hours, while students were arriving or leaving, at selected school activities (e.g., athletic and social events, open houses, science fairs), or at any other time that the respondent specified.
8 Serious discipline problems is a count of discipline problems reported by principals. These discipline problems include student racial tensions, student bullying, student verbal abuse of teachers, widespread disorder in classrooms, and student acts of disrespect for teachers. If a principal reported that any of these problems occurred daily or weekly in their school, each was counted once in the total number of serious discipline problems. Undesirable gang activities and undesirable cult or extremist group activities were also counted once as a problem if the principal reported that these events occurred at all in their school.
9 Transfers as a percentage of enrollment combines the number of students who were transferred to a school and the number of students who were transferred from a school, divided by the total number of students enrolled in the school.
10 Schoolwide disruptions include actions that disrupted school activities such as bomb threats or anthrax threats. Respondents were instructed to exclude all fire alarms, including false alarms.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. "At school/at your school" was defined for respondents as including activities happening in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, and at places that are holding school-sponsored events or activities. Respondents were instructed to, unless the survey specified otherwise, only respond for those times that were during normal school hours or when school activities/events were in session. A hate crime was defined for respondents as, "a criminal offense or threat against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against a race, color, national origin, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, or sexual orientation." Secondary schools are defined as schools in which the lowest grade is not lower than grade 9 and the highest grade is not higher than grade 12.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS), 2000.

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