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HVLP Spray Guns: Cost-Effective, Environment-Friendly Technology


Why Should You Use High-Volume Low-Pressure (HVLP) Spray Guns?

Can You Achieve a High Quality Finish Using HVLP Spray Guns?

How Can I Get More Information on HVLP Spray Guns, Proper Spray Techniques, Hazard Controls, and Other Resources?

Why should you use high-volume low-pressure (HVLP) spray guns?

Paint spray contains harmful chemicals such as isocyanates, solvents, and paint additives. Painting with an HVLP spray gun significantly reduces overspray and as a result:

  1. Releases of toxic chemicals into the air go down, helping protect you, your co-workers, and your shop's neighborhood.

  2. The amount of paint you need to refinish a car goes down, saving your shop many dollars in paint costs (see graph).

Estimated Annual Savings On Paint Purchases Graph
Click to see the graph

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Can you achieve a high-quality finish using HVLP spray guns?

Yes! Painters at many auto shops use only HVLP spray guns when refinishing cars, without sacrificing the quality of the finish, even for top coats. Of course, you'll need to make some technical adjustments to your pressure settings and spray cap when converting from a conventional spray gun to an HVLP spray gun. But once you do, you'll find that HVLP spray guns are relatively easy to use, reduce overspray, and produce a high quality finish.

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How can I get more information on HVLP spray guns, proper spray techniques, hazard controls, and other resources?

Contact the Spray Technique and Analysis Research (STAR)Exit Disclaimerprogram at the Iowa Waste Reduction Center at 1-800-422-3109 for technical assistance.

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Talk to your jobber, paint distributor, or equipment supplier.

Consult with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) by either visiting their Web siteExit Disclaimeror calling 1-800-35-NIOSH.

Talk to Mary Cushmac (202-564-8803; cushmac.mary@epa.gov) or David DiFiore (202-564-8796; difiore.david@epa.gov) of the DfE Project Team.

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