Housing Market Indicators

Numerous government agencies and industry groups publish a wide array of data on housing markets and housing finance. This page organizes some of the key sources of such data by topic, providing the user with a reference point from which to access these data. As noted in the disclaimer below, FHFA does not endorse any industry data source but provides the links below as a service to those interested in housing market indicators.

Most of the sources below are updated regularly and many also provide historical data. The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s quarterly publication U.S. Housing Market Conditions provides a rich array of historical housing market data from various government and industry sources.

*Note: Visitors who use the following links leave FHFA’s Web site and enter a non-FHFA Web site. FHFA is not responsible for the content of linked Web sites, which are not within the control of FHFA, and which may not follow the same privacy, security, or accessibility policies. A visitor to a non-FHFA Web site is subject to the policies of that Web site. Some of the following links are links to private industry Web sites. In furnishing such private industry links, FHFA does not endorse, approve, or support any individual, organization, sponsor, view, item, product, or service presented or referenced at the linked Web site. FHFA cannot attest to the accuracy of information provided by these Web sites.

Six categories of data are provided below: