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Public Domain software for SDTS

Links are provided to public-domain software developed by or for the USGS. Although these programs have been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy and functioning of the programs and related program material, nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith. To request that your public domain software be added to this list, send e-mail to

dlgv32 Pro--Software for viewing USGS Digital Line Graph Optional (DLG-O), Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) data, and Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) data.

ARC/INFO AML routine--This AML (sdts2cov.aml), will import, build, and attach attributes to their features and is intended for use with 24K, 100K and 2000K vector DLG/SDTS datasets ONLY. This routine is not applicable for the DEM/SDTS data, as they are raster data. This version contains several bug fixes to the algorithm used in the previous AML (sdtshelp.aml).

ARC/INFO AML utilities--ARCSDTS and SDTSARC. ARCSDTS checks an ARC/INFO data set for the proper map projection and topological structure and modifies it for export using the SDTSEXPORT command. ARCSDTS puts the modular SDTS files in a single, compressed "tar" file. SDTSARC converts files created with ARCSDTS back to their original structure. It will work on "tar" file sets of SDTS files that were not created with ARCSDTS as well.

Support software for programmers--The USGS developed several software tools to assist programmers implementing SDTS.

This section contains information provided by individuals or companies who are providing public domain software for SDTS. This list does not constitute an endorsement by USGS, nor has all this software been tested by USGS. Please do not send questions regarding this software to the SDTS Task Force; instead, please direct questions to the individual or company listed.

MacDEM is a free Macintosh application for viewing, merging, and manipulating DEM files, including the new SDTS DEM files available through GIS Data Depot. MacDEM also handles floating-point elevations. MacDEM imports USGS ASCII DEM files and SDTS DEM files. It also imports DTED, GTOPO30, GLOBE, TerrainBase, PGM, Raw ASCII, and Raw Binary.

Oceanography Department, U.S. Naval Academy,
MICRODEM is a freeware program that manipulates DEMs on Windows 95 and Windows NT platforms. It will accept data in the following formats: DTED, USGS ASCII for 1:24K and 1:250K DEMs, and SDTS for 1:24K DEMs. The program also has capabilities to merge imagery and vector data sets (TIGER or DLG formats) with the DEMs. Download the latest version of the executable (such as DEM-910.EXE, which will be a self extracting archive; select by highest number in the file name or most recent date), and the Windows help file WINDEM.HLP.

Staff Scientist, University of Arizona,
The sdts2dem program has been revised by Gregg Townsenend, Staff Scientist, University of Arizona. The new sdts2dem program handles new DEMs created after December 31, 2000. The software handles files with floating-point elevation values and larger grids, specifically 10x10 meter quadrangles. sdts2dem also runs correctly on on big-endian architectures (e.g. Sun). Check this site regularly for updates to the program.

Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University,,
SDTS DEM to ArcView Grid Conversion utility enables importing of SDTS format grid (DEM) data directly into ArcView in one step, all within the ArcView interface. SDTS DEMs, ArcView and Spatial Analyst are needed to use this utility. This software should only be used on DEMs distributed prior to January 1, 2001.

Utilities written and contributed by the Late Sol Katz, BLM.
BLM's GeoSpatial FTP site hosts a number of free utilities. Some of the programs found at BLM include:
SDTS DLG to MapInfo--sdts2mif.exe
SDTS DEM to Targa--sdts2tga.exe

BLM's MetaData and WWW Mapping site offers Metadata information and various GIS links.

BLM's GeoSpatial Home Page consolidates information about BLM's GIS activities and tools.

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