Take it Outside:Children and Families Outdoors
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DOI: BLM: National Home Page >  > DOI: BLM: More BLM Programs > Take It Outside! >  > Student Conservation Association and BLM 

Student Conservation Association Work with BLM

Established in 1957, the non-profit Student Conservation Association (SCA) is the nation's largest provider of conservation service opportunities, outdoor education, and leadership training for youth.  For almost 20 years, BLM has accepted the services of SCA-trained donated workers, conservation-minded students who help restore sensitive resources on BLM public lands, educate the public about wildland fire and defensible space and tackle the spread of invasive plant species.  Over the course of BLM's relationship with SCA general-service "Conservation Crews" have worked for every BLM Field Office, and BLM's annual complement of SCA workers has grown to more than 100.

In recent years, specialized SCA teams, notably the Fire Education Corps and SCA Weed Management Interns, have had a positive impact on BLM communities in 13 western states.  In 2003 alone, for example, the Fire Corps reached approximately 2,500 homeowners and 500 students.

SCA workers gain extensive experience in conservation and land management programs, as well as a lifelong ethic of conservation and stewardship.  As many as 60 percent of SCA alumni ultimately seek work as conservation professionals in the public or private sector.

For additional information on SCA, Please visit the SCA website or e-mail Betsy Wooster at Elizbeth_Wooster@blm.gov .

Last updated: 03-09-2009