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New Chemicals Program - Index of Boilerplates for Orders

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EPA issues orders under section 5 of the TSCA in response to a specific concern on the part of reviewing personnel. These concerns are often very similar to concerns that have engendered prior orders. This has led the Agency to develop standard "boilerplate" orders for the more frequent types of concerns. This menu lets you examine the text for the following standard boilerplates.

Section 5(e) Consent Orders

Pollution Prevention Plan
Pollution Prevention Plan (PDF) (119 pp, 170K)

Hybrid Risk/Exposure-Based Health/Eco
Hybrid Risk/Exposure-Based Health/Eco (PDF) (102 pp, 150K)

Risk-Based Human Health w/ NCELs
Risk-Based Human Health w/ NCELs (PDF) (102 pp, 149K)

Risk-Based Human Health Dermal Only
Risk-Based Human Health Dermal Only (PDF) (56 pp, 81K)

Risk-Based Human Health Chemical Composition and Analysis
Risk-Based Human Health Chemical Composition and Analysis (PDF) (30 pp, 328K)

Risk-Based Ecotoxicity
Risk-Based Ecotoxicity (PDF) (54 pp, 81K)

Exposure-Based Human Health
Exposure-Based Human Health (PDF) (34 pp, 51K)

Exposure-Based Ecotoxicity
Exposure-Based Ecotoxicity (PDF) (34 pp, 50K)

Exposure-Based Hybrid
Exposure-Based Hybrid (PDF) (36 pp, 51K)

Triggered Glove Testing

Section 5(e) Contract Manufacturer Orders

Contract Manufacturer: Insert for Company's Order

Contract Manufacturer: Risk-Based Eco
Contract Manufacturer: Risk-Based Eco (PDF) (102 pp, 182K)

Contract Manufacturer: Exposure-Based Eco
Contract Manufacturer: Exposure-Based Eco (PDF) (17 pp, 31K)

Contract Manufacturer: Risk-Based Health
Contract Manufacturer: Risk-Based Health (PDF) (81 pp, 125K)

Contract Manufacturer: Exposure-Based Health
Contract Manufacturer: Exposure-Based Health (PDF) (17 pp, 28K)


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