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News In Brief

16 Cattle Drop Dead Near Mysterious Fluid at Gas Drilling Site (ProPublica)

Gas drilling companies still refuse to disclose what toxics they use in "hydraulic fracturing."

(01 May 2009)

Top Polluted U.S. Cities 2009 (American Lung Association)

The American Lung Association released its tenth annual State of the Air report for 2009. The report offers local air quality rankings, including the 25 dirtiest cities. The report finds that 60% of Americans live in areas with unhealthy levels of air pollution.

Learn more and find your state here.

(30 Apr 2009)

EPA Moves to Require Greenhouse Gas Reporting (The Watcher)

EPA is taking public comment on its proposal for the country's first mandatory system for polluters to report greenhouse gas emissions.

(27 Apr 2009)

Group Sues for Disclosure of Chemicals in Household Products (Earthjustice)

Earthjustice is suing household product manufacturers in New York for failing to comply with a law requiring disclosure of chemicals in their products.

(27 Apr 2009)

One out of Five Private Wells Contaminated - USGS (USGS)

More than one in five private wells contains at least one hazardous contaminant according to a study by the U.S. Geological Service.

(27 Apr 2009)