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Pollution Prevention through Nanotechnology Conference: September 25-26, 2007

P2 conference logo

EPA invited stakeholders to attend the "Pollution Prevention through Nanotechnology Conference" on September 25-26, 2007, in Arlington , VA -- a forum to exchange ideas and information on using nanotechnology to develop new ways to prevent pollution.

Representatives from industry, academia, non-governmental organizations, and government were invited to focus on current practices and potential research areas in nanotechnology that incorporate the concept of pollution prevention in three major areas:

The conference featured discussions of nanotechnology life-cycle considerations and the responsible development of nanotechnology.

Questions Addressed by Conference Participants:

The questions below were intended to focus presentations and discussions at the conference. Answers to these questions could help guide subsequent work in P2 through nanotechnology.

1. Which nanotechnologies show the greatest promise for preventing pollution?


2. What are the most promising areas of research on pollution prevention applications of nanotechnologies?


3. What recommendations do conference participants have for promoting and encouraging pollution prevention in the development and application of nanotechnology?


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Since the inception of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), nanotechnology has become one of the United States' top multi-agency research and development priorities. With 26 federal agency participants, NNI is a federal research and developments program established to coordinate the multi-agency efforts in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology.

EPA is organizing the "Pollution Prevention through Nanotechnology" Conference as one of several actions to further our understanding of nanoscale materials and to encourage responsible development of nanotechnology that prevents pollution. The information from this conference will inform the development of EPA's program for nanoscale materials under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), including the development of a Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program for nanoscale materials.

Conference Announcement in the Federal Register (PDF) (2pp, 88K, About PDF)

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Agenda and Presentations

Conference Agenda and Presentations

The program began on Tuesday with individual presentations on current and anticipated nanotechnologies with potential pollution-prevention applications. Panel discussions on selected case studies were held on Wednesday. Posters were displayed throughout the conference, and were featured during a Tuesday evening reception and poster session.

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Conference Agenda and Presentations

Conference Booklet (PDF) (48pp, 1.3M, About PDF)

Conference Flyer (PDF) (2pp, 70K, About PDF)

Logistical Fact Sheet (PDF) (2pp, 29K, About PDF)

Conference Scope

Charge to Participants

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