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Administrative Memorandums

Administrative Memorandum Number 1: Numbered Memoranda
This memorandum establishes a system of numbered memoranda which cover many of the procedures used in connection with the Committee's operations. It supersedes the previous Administrative Memorandum No. 1 dated April 29, 1993.

Administrative Memorandum Number 2: Committee Meetings
This memorandum delineates the procedures for scheduling and conducting Committee meetings. It supersedes the memorandum on the same subject date June 15, 1997.

Administrative Memorandum Number 3: Approval of Procurement List Additions or Deletions
This memorandum prescribes the procedures to be followed in obtaining Committee approval of the addition to or deletion from the Procurement List of a commodity or service. This memorandum supersedes Administrative Memorandum No. 3 dated February 15, 1987.

Administrative Memorandum Number 4: Reconsideration of Committee Decisions
This memorandum describes the procedures followed when the Committee staff becomes aware of new and pertinent information and/or received a request on the basis of new and pertinent information for the Committee members to reconsider an earlier decision which approved the addition or deletion of a commodity or service to the Procurement List. This memorandum supersedes Administrative Memorandum No. 4 on the same subject dated May 19, 1995.

Administrative Memorandum Number 5: Delegation of Authority to Executive Director
This memorandum prescribes the delegation of the authority by the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled to the Executive Director to Manage the activities of the Committee within the Committee's regulations and the policies established by the Committee. It supersedes the memorandum of January 24, 1990, on the same subject.

Administrative Memorandum Number 6: Safeguarding Confidential Commercial Information
This memorandum prescribes the procedures the Committee will follow prior to releasing documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552, which may contain confidential commercial information, in accord with the Committee FOIA regulation on business information, 41 CFR 51-8.8. This memorandum supersedes Administrative Memorandum No. 6, dated April 26, 1993, and Workshop Memorandum No. 14, dated January 24, 1991.

Administrative Memorandum Number 7: Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson Responsibilities
This memorandum describes the responsibilities of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled. The Committee is an independent federal agency charged with determining which products and services purchased by federal entities should be procured from nonprofit agencies employing people who are blind or have other severe disabilities, establishing prices for those items, and carrying out various other related functions. The responsibilities laid out in this memorandum include duties prescribed by the Javits-Wagner-O'Day (JWOD) Act and Committee regulations, as well as other functions.

Administrative Memorandum Number 8: Committee Officers
This memorandum prescribes the procedures for nominating and electing the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled. The memorandum also defines the length of terms of the officers and the procedures to be taken in the event of unsatisfactory performance of an officer.

Administrative Memorandum Number 9: Committee Voting Protocols
This memorandum describes the protocols to be followed by the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled in voting on various decisions.

Administrative Memorandum Number 10: No cameras or recording devices policy
This memorandum is to establish the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled policy on cameras and recording devices.

Administrative Memorandum Number 11: Central Nonprofit Agency (CNA) Fee Ceiling Determination Process
This memorandum describes the process to be followed by the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled in determining the Central Nonprofit Agency (CNA) Fee Ceiling as authorized by 41 CFR 51-3.5. This memorandum incorporates the fee ceiling determination process into the Committee's series of administrative memoranda governing internal functions of the Committee. This is a new memorandum; no previous memoranda are superseded.

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