Voluntary Standards - Bicycles

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Bicycles (Last Updated 05/09/2006)

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) staff is participating in voluntary standard activities to develop performance requirements related to bicycle structural integrity and safety. Staff participates on the ASTM F08.10 Subcommittee, which oversees the following standards:

Specific hazards to be reviewed include handlebar end impact injuries to the abdomen and falls associated with failures of quick release mechanisms. Other areas of interest are voluntary standards for fork and frame structural integrity.

While the majority of bicycle-related injuries occur during daylight hours, CPSC staff analysis found that a bicyclist is 2-4 times more likely to be killed while riding at night versus riding during the day. Staff research found that, while improvements to bicycle reflectors likely will not significantly improve nighttime conspicuity, a rear flashing light emitting diode (LED) bicycle light could significantly improve the bicycle’s visibility. Over the past few years, advances in LED technology have resulted in affordable, brighter lights that use less battery power.

In 2006, staff will review the Federal bicycle regulation, ASTM and ISO standards and injury data. Based on the staff’s evaluation, the staff plans to conduct testing of bicycle components with the intent of developing specific recommendations for new provisions in voluntary and/or mandatory standards. Staff will share data analysis with ASTM and work with ASTM to determine if a voluntary standard for bicycle lighting is warranted.

Additional Information

Safety Alerts:

Fact Sheets:

Voluntary Standard and Code Activities

CPSC Staff Reports, Memoranda and Contracts:

Contact ASTM International:

  • For further information concerning ASTM standards associated with bicycles, please contact Katharine Morgan at kmorgan@astm.org or ASTM International at www.astm.org

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