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United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
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Research Project: Development of Compendia to Share Inforamtion on Critical Issues Project Number: 0206-22000-001-02
Project Type: Specific Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Aug 31, 2005
End Date: Aug 30, 2010

Compile and make available global information on critical issues such as crop protection, animal health and production, forestry, invasive species, plant genomic resources, and others as identified. Novel and powerful information technology will be used to develop comprehensive multimedia knowledge bases on the critical issues. The Compendia serve as platforms for more efficient decision-support for action agencies, research agencies, extension activities, technology transfer, and use by a wide group of customers and stakeholders, including the general public. The Compendia will be made available to end users via CD ROM and Internet.

CABI will identify data and information to be presented in Compendia, much of which has already been compiled, but is currently highly scattered, and either unavailable or inconvenient and inefficient to use. The data and information will be made available in the form of convenient, user-friendly, searchable, and decision-oriented knowledge bases, usually on CD ROM and Internet platforms. Compendia will strengthen and unify existing databases and other information resources. CABI will apply their Compendium Technology to the complied data and information.


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Last Modified: 05/08/2009
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