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Cracking the Maya Code: The story behind the centuries-long decipherment of ancient Maya hieroglyphs.
Time Line of Decipherment

Time Line of Decipherment
Trace key discoveries in the effort to understand the Maya script.

A Masterpiece Revealed

A Masterpiece Revealed
Explore a 2,000-year-old mural, one of the most exciting recent discoveries of early Maya art.

Decode Stela 3

Decode Stela 3
"Read" Maya hieroglyphs carved on an eighth-century stone monument, and hear them spoken aloud.

Map of the Maya World

Map of the Maya World
From Chichén Itzá in the north to Copán in the south, the Maya empire was vast and varied.

Speaking Ancient Maya

Speaking Ancient Maya
Anthropologist Barbara MacLeod says that studying the ancient Maya language offers a unique window into the past.

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National Science Foundation National Endowment for the Humanities

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