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Directive Number: ODEP 001-07
Effective Date: March 1, 2007
Subject: ODEP Alliance Initiative


Purpose: This instruction describes and implements a new ODEP initiative, called the Alliance Initiative.
Scope: ODEP-wide         
References: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001; Secretary's Order 01-2001 ODEP; Strategic and Performance Plan FY 2006-2010.
State Impact: This instruction describes a Federal Program for which State implementation is not required.
Action Offices: National
Originating Office:      Division of Education and Outreach
Contact: Division of Education and Outreach
U.S. Department of Labor - ODEP
200 Constitution Ave., NW 
Rm. S-1303
Washington, DC 20210
202-693-7880; TTY: 202-693-7872

By and Under the Authority of
W. Roy Grizzard, Jr., Ed. D.
Assistant Secretary 

 Executive Summary

This instruction describes and implements a new initiative, called the ODEP Alliance Initiative, within the Office of Disability Employment Policy, Division of Education and Outreach (E & O). The purpose of this new initiative is to provide a vehicle for regular cooperative interaction between ODEP (at all levels of the organization) and trade and professional associations, businesses, labor unions, educational institutions, Federal, state and local government agencies and others, and to further discussion and share information on disability employment policy as it pertains to recruiting, hiring, advancing and retaining workers with disabilities.  


To increase voluntary collaboration with the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), the Agency is introducing the Alliance Initiative, which enables the Agency to work jointly with employers and businesses, trade and professional associations, educational institutions, local, state, and Federal government agencies, and others. Specifically, Alliances serve as a means for parties to participate in a voluntary cooperative relationship with ODEP for purposes such as training and education, outreach and communication and promoting the national dialogue on the recruitment, hiring, advancement and retention of workers with disabilities. This instruction establishes the Agency's policy and guidelines for the development and approval of individual Alliances and for the ongoing operation and management of overall Alliance activity.  

 Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Scope
  3. References
  4. Action Information
    1. Responsible Office
    2. Action Offices
  5. Federal Program Change
  6. Definitions
    1. ODEP Alliance Initiative
    2. Alliance Initiative Participant or Signatory
    3. Annual Alliance Report
    4. Alliance Manager
    5. Alliance Coordinator
  7. Purposes of an Alliance
    1. Training and Education
    2. Outreach and Communication
    3. Promoting the National Dialogue on Advancing the Employment Opportunities of People with Disabilities
  8. Developing an Alliance
    1. Distinguishing Alliances from Other ODEP Initiatives
    2. Identifying Potential Alliance Initiative Participants
    3. General Considerations in Choosing Alliance Initiative Participants
    4. Alliances with For-Profit Entities
    5. Alliances with Non-Profit Entities
    6. Intra-Agency Communication for National Alliances
    7. Alliance Agreements
    8. Alliance Coordinator
  9. Alliance Signatories
  10. Program Requirements
    1. Prepare a Draft Alliance Agreement
    2. After the Alliance is Signed
    3. Alliance Documentation
  11. ODEP Recognition of Alliances
  12. Termination of an Alliance

  ODEP Alliance Initiative

I.  Purpose. 

To facilitate voluntary collaboration with ODEP, the Agency is introducing the Alliance Initiative, which enables the Agency to work jointly with trade and professional associations, businesses, labor unions, educational institutions, Federal, state and local government agencies and others. Alliances can open new channels of communication, advance technical knowledge, lead to improvement in workplace accommodations, and lay the foundation for greater advances in the recruitment, hiring, advancement and retention of workers with disabilities. Specifically, Alliances enable parties to participate in a voluntary cooperative relationship with ODEP for purposes such as training and education, outreach and communication and promoting the national dialogue on disability employment related issues. This instruction establishes the Agency's policy and guidelines for the development and approval of individual Alliances and for the ongoing operation and management of overall Alliance activity.

II.  Scope.  

This instruction applies ODEP-wide. It states the Agency's Alliance policy but does not bind the Agency to approve or disapprove any particular Alliance, limit the Agency's discretion to enter into Alliances, or create any rights for private parties.

III.  References.  

Section 1(s)(1) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001 enacting H.R. 5656, see Title I, "Departmental Management"); Secretary's Order 01-2001 Departmental Policy to Ensure that Agency Policies and Activities Fully Address the Needs and Concerns of People with Disabilities; Delegation of Authority and Assignment of Responsibility to the Assistant Secretary for Disability Employment Disability; ODEP Strategic and Performance Plan FY 2006-2010.

IV.  Action Information. 

A.  Responsible Office: The Division of Education and Outreach. 

B.  Action Offices.  All divisions of ODEP must adhere to these 

V.  Federal Program Change.  

This instruction describes a new Federal Initiative for which State adoption is not required.

VI.  Definitions.

 A.  ODEP Alliance Initiative.  ODEP Alliances are formalized, 
      voluntary, cooperative relationships between ODEP and
      businesses, labor organizations, trade and professional 
      associations, universities, local, state, and Federal 
      government agencies. Alliances may address the 
      enhancement of national dialogue on disability employment 
      policy issues, training and education on topical subjects, and 
      outreach or promoting communication. Alliances provide 
      opportunities to exchange ideas, convey concerns, raise 
      issues, educate and collaborate on efforts to advance the 
      employment opportunities of people with disabilities.

B.  Alliance Initiative Participant or Signatory.   Any party that signs 
     an Alliance agreement with ODEP.

C.  Annual Alliance Report.  National Office Alliances.  An annual 
     report (see Appendix A), prepared by the Alliance Coordinator, 
     describing the purpose and scope of the Alliance, a list of the 
     team members and contributors, events and products of the
     Alliance, results achieved, and upcoming milestones.

D.  Alliance Manager.  The Alliance Manager will be housed in the 
     Education and Outreach Division of ODEP and will responsible 

1.  Vetting proposed Alliances agreements within ODEP and 
      the Department. 

2.  Establishing and maintaining procedural protocol for 

3.  Monitoring activities of Alliance Coordinators. 

4.  Maintaining and updating Alliance Initiative Web page on 
      the ODEP Web site. 

5.  Organizing Alliance Initiative signing events.

E.  Alliance Coordinator.  An Alliance Coordinator is the person in 
     the originating policy or operations office that serves as the 
     primary contact for an individual Alliance.  This person is 
     responsible for: 

1.  Ensuring that the activities planned to meet the goals of
     the Alliance are undertaken in a timely manner. 

2.  Maintaining a file on the Alliance, to include the original 
     agreement, notes of meetings, products, reports, and any 
     other relevant materials. 

3.  Ensuring that the information about the Alliance on 
     ODEP's Alliance Web page is current and accurate. 

4.  Communicating issues, milestones and 
     accomplishments about the Alliance. 

5.  Responding to requests for information about the 

 VII.  Purposes of an Alliance.

ODEP works with the public to promote increasing employment opportunities of people with disabilities by offering technical assistance services and programs to businesses and organizations.

In 2007, ODEP created the Alliance Initiative.  This cooperative program enables organizations committed to improving disability workplace practices to work with ODEP to develop and implement model policies and initiatives that increase recruiting, hiring, advancing, and retaining workers with disabilities.  ODEP and Alliance participants work together to reach out to, educate, and lead the nation’s employers, employees and organizations in advancing disability employment.  Groups that can form an Alliance with ODEP include trade and professional associations, businesses, labor unions, educational institutions, Federal, state and local government agencies and others.

The Alliance Initiative supports ODEP's Strategic Management Plan by addressing emerging issues and the Agency's priorities.  There are few formal program requirements for Alliances and the agreements do not include an enforcement component.  However, ODEP and the participating organizations must define, implement and meet a set of short and long-term goals that fall into three categories:  

 A.  Training and Education.  Training and education goals may 
      include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following areas: 

1.  Training materials: ODEP and Alliance partner identify 
     training and education materials for managers and 

2.  Best Practices Information Sharing.  Best practices are 
     often not widely shared within an industry or between 
     competitors, but Alliances facilitate this kind of sharing 
     within and across industries.  Any such practice 
     or program shared within the context of an Alliance must 
     be jointly determined by ODEP and the potential Alliance 
     Initiative participant to be a best practice. 

3.  Industry Expertise: Alliance partners can provide expertise 
     on key industry workforce issues and help to assess how 
     these impact workplace disability practices and/or the 
     employment opportunities of people with disabilities. 

B.  Outreach and Communication.  Outreach and communication 
     goals may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the 
     following areas: 

1.  Informational Materials.  ODEP and Alliance Initiative 
     participants develop and disseminate information at 
     conferences, events or through print and electronic 
     means, including Web products. 

2.  Speaking, Exhibiting or Appearances.  ODEP and Alliance 
     Initiative participants seek and create opportunities to 
     appear at conferences, local meetings or other events to 
     promote the work of the Alliance. 

3.  Alliance Initiative Participants Collaboration.  ODEP 
     encourages Alliance Initiative participants to work together 
     on broad issues or projects that pertain to more than one 
     industry or organization.  Alliance Initiative participants
     may agree in advance to work on a specific issue, for a 
     certain industry, or to reach a particular audience. 

C.  Promoting the National Dialogue on Advancing the 
     Employment Opportunities of People with Disabilities.  National 
     dialogue goals may include, but are not limited to, one or more of 
     the following areas: 

1.  Developing and/or Identifying Case Studies and 
     Publicizing their Results.  Alliances can develop case 
     studies and promote their results through print or 
     electronic media, promotion at conferences, or 
     other means of reaching out to others in industry. 

2.  Convening or Participating in Forums and Round Table 
     Discussions.   ODEP and Alliance Initiative participants 
     can bring together key players with diverse and divergent 
     opinions to discuss problems and forge innovative 
     solutions to disability employment-related issues. 

VIII.  Developing an Alliance.  

ODEP encourages flexibility, creativity, and cooperation in the Alliance development process.  Any party can initiate development of an Alliance.  Since Alliance development is a dynamic process, ODEP recommends a tracking chart.  This information is maintained and updated at least monthly by the ODEP Education and Outreach Division (E & O) and contains data on Alliance activities such as organizations that are currently negotiating with ODEP.

Alliances are signed, collaborative agreements that address such things as compliance assistance, accommodations, and attitudes or special problems facing a particular industry.  An ODEP Alliance should have one or more primary goals - training and education, outreach and communication, and/or promotion of the national dialogue on workplace safety and health. 

A.  Distinguishing Alliances from Other ODEP Initiatives.  
     Alliances complement ODEP’s other initiatives, in that Alliances 
     serve as a means to establish and recognize a collaborative 
     relationship with ODEP.  Alliances not only advance the 
     employment opportunities of people with disabilities, but also 
     build on existing relationships and encourage participation in 
     other cooperative relationships. 

B.  Identifying Potential Alliance Initiative Participants.  Often 
     trade associations seek to participate in Alliances because they 
     can benefit from the mutual leveraging of resources.  An 
     association is able to act on behalf of its members to build a 
     strong relationship with ODEP, and the Agency is able to get its 
     message out to many more employers, employees, or worksites 
     than it could do on its own.  Nonetheless, fruitful Alliances can 
     also be formed with other types of organizations.

     Professional associations can benefit from working with ODEP 
     and sharing their members' expertise and experiences in 
     addressing disability employment issues in the 
     workplace.  Educational institutions can collaborate with the 
     Agency to develop progressive curricula and promote access to 
     education.  Government agencies that share with ODEP one or 
     more of their missions or customer bases can leverage 
     resources by sending a unified message.

     Individual businesses may also benefit by working with ODEP to 
     share their experience with other businesses or industries, 
     thereby helping to lead the way to broader implementation of 
     programs and practices that they have developed and 
     implemented themselves.  Likewise, labor organizations can 
     benefit by working with ODEP to educate their members and
     others about the value of workers with disabilities. 

C.  General Considerations in Choosing Alliance Initiative 
     Participants.  Time and resources permitting, ODEP should form 
     Alliances with any organization that meets the considerations 
     below and is willing to work together to achieve mutual 
     goals.  However, highest priority should go to organizations that 
     would best help ODEP reach the broadest affected audience, 
     especially on issues covered by ODEP's Strategic Management 
     Plan or other high-priority initiatives.  Critical factors that are 
     considered are: 

1.  Leadership commitment to the Alliance in general and to
     meeting specific goals, such as demonstrating 
     commitment to advancing employment opportunities of 
     people with disabilities. 

2.  Sufficient resources, such as a Web site, newsletter(s), 
     journal(s), or conferences, all of which can be critical to 
     the implementation of Alliance goals. 

3.  Expertise within the staff or membership of the
     organization sufficient to meet goals such as developing 
     or delivering training and curricula. 

4.  Willingness to reach beyond the group's own 
     membership or constituency, as in making online 
     resources available to all users. 

5.  The organization's current and past interaction with ODEP 
     and the U.S. Department of Labor. 

D.  Alliances with For-Profit Entities.  As previously noted, ODEP 
     also enters into Alliances with individual businesses, for 
     example, when the business has exceptional programs or tools 
     that could be shared with others who may not have the resources 
     or expertise to develop and implement their own.  Alliance 
     coordinators should take care, however, when negotiating an 
     Alliance with a for- profit entity, to avoid any appearance of 
     governmental sanction of the product or approach of the 
     business.  For example, it might appear that ODEP is endorsing
     a particular product of the for-profit entity. (Also see section G., 

     In addition, where it appears that ODEP or the Federal 
     government would clearly benefit by having a product or service 
     offered by the business for governmental use, then the product or 
     service should be acquired in accordance with appropriate 
     Federal acquisition procedures. 

E.  Alliances with Non-Profit Entities.  As previously noted, ODEP 
     also enters into Alliances with non-profit entities (e.g. trade and 
     professional associations, government agencies) when the 
     organizations have exceptional programs or tools that could be 
     shared with others who may not have the resources or expertise 
     to develop and implement their own. Alliance coordinators 
     should  take care, however, when negotiating an Alliance with a 
     non-profit entity, to avoid any appearance of governmental 
     sanction of the product or services of the organization.  For 
     example, it might appear that ODEP is endorsing a particular 
     product of the non-profit entity. (Also see section G., below.)

     In addition, where it appears that ODEP or the Federal 
     government would clearly benefit by having a product or service 
     offered by the business for governmental use, then the product or 
     service should be acquired in accordance with appropriate 
     Federal acquisition procedures. 

F.  Intra-Agency Communication for National Alliances.  Those 
     that initiate a national Alliance must include E & O in negotiating 
     Alliances with potential Alliance Initiative participants.  In addition, 
     goals should not be finalized before seeking input from other 
     ODEP offices to ensure that the focus of the Alliance is 
     compatible with other Agency priorities, programs, and initiatives. 

G.  Alliance Agreements.  Alliances must be formalized through 
     an Alliance agreement that outlines the purposes of the Alliance, 
     the make-up of the implementation team, a two-year or other 
     negotiated term, and a termination provision.  These are built into 
     the Alliance template in Appendix B (for National Alliances).

     ODEP's Alliances provide parties an opportunity to participate in a
     voluntary cooperative relationship with ODEP.  By entering into an 
     Alliance with a party, ODEP is not endorsing any products or 
     services of that party; nor does the Agency enter into an Alliance 
     with the purpose of promoting particular products or services of 
     any party.  Thus, in developing goals, care must be taken to avoid 
     any possible appearance of endorsement, governmental 
     sanction or preferential access given to the entity.  

     A draft Alliance agreement can be used to discuss and refine the 
     focus, intent, or terms of the Alliance. It should contain a 
     statement of the focus of the Alliance, a brief description of the 
     purpose of the Alliance (organized by goal type), and the 
     implementation paragraphs found in the templates. When the 
     draft has the preliminary approval of all parties, the originating 
     office must submit the draft agreement to the next higher 
     organizational level to ensure programmatic consistency. 

H.  Alliance Coordinator.  One person in the originating office 
     must be assigned to act as an ODEP coordinator for each of the 
     individual Alliance. 

IX.  Alliance Signatories.

Except when the Secretary of Labor (or her Designee) chooses to sign a national Alliance, the Assistant Secretary must sign national Alliances. Signing ceremonies are optional.  The signatories may choose to simply exchange signatures by mail. 

X.  Program Requirements. 

Alliances are intended to encourage free and open discussion of disability employment related issues; therefore, the only formal program requirements are as follows. 

A.  Prepare a Draft Alliance Agreement.   

B.  After the Alliance is signed, hold regular meetings or 
     conference calls (at a minimum, at least three times per year) to 
     ensure the Alliance remains on track.  An implementation 
     work plan and provisions for charting milestones of the Alliance
     are recommended, but not required. 

C.  Document the progress of the Alliance.   

1.  Alliance Agreement.  The electronic copy will be posted to 
     the ODEP Alliance Initiative Web site, as will any updates, 
     milestones, success stories, events, or photographs sent 
     to ODEP for that purpose. 

2.  Annual Reports.  Prepare and submit annual
     reports.  The purpose of annual Alliance reports is to 
     assess the impact of an Alliance.  Results are measured 
     against the goals stated in the Alliance
     agreement, including joint events, products developed, 
     and people reached.  (See Appendix A).

XI.  ODEP Recognition of Alliances.

ODEP officially recognizes Alliances through press releases, postings on the ODEP Web page, and coverage in the Agency's print and electronic publications.

In addition, ODEP makes available to each signatory an Alliance Initiative mark or emblem to recognize its relationship with ODEP.  Alliance Initiative participants are authorized to appropriately use the ODEP Alliance logo on documents or Web pages relating to the Alliance for as long as the Alliance remains in effect.  The mark or emblem may not be used for fundraising or lobbying efforts or to imply that ODEP endorses a particular entity or its actions or products. 

XII.  Termination of an Alliance.

Any signatory may terminate its Alliance at any time, provided it gives 30 days written notice.  Reasons for ODEP to terminate an Alliance may include, but are not limited to: 

A.  Failure of the Alliance Initiative participant to fulfill responsibilities outlined in the work plan developed by the implementation team. 

B.  Changes in the Alliance Initiative participant's strategic direction such that it appears to undermine the goals of the Alliance. 

C.  Evidence that the Alliance Initiative participant does not have the resources it purported to have when developing the Alliance.  

 Appendix A

Template for Annual Alliance Report


I. Alliance Background

Date Signed



[Brief summary of the purpose and scope of the Alliance.]

Implementation Team Members

[List members of the Implementation Team.]


[If applicable, also list contributors or developers who are not part of the Implementation Team.]

Evaluation Period

[From the date of the signing, describe the length of time that this report covers.]

II. Implementation Team Meetings

[List dates, locations and types of Implementation Team meetings (conference calls or in-person meetings) that have been held during the review period.]

III. Events and Products

Training and Education
* Events

[List and describe each event that has occurred to meet each goal of the Alliance.]

* Products

[List and describe each product developed under the Alliance to meet this type of goal.]

Outreach and Communication
* Events

[List and describe each event that has occurred to meet each goal of the Alliance.]

* Products

[List and describe each product developed under the Alliance to meet this type of goal.]

Promoting the National Dialogue on Advancing the Employment Opportunities of People with Disabilities
* Events

[List and describe each event that has occurred to meet each goal of the Alliance.]
* Products

[List and describe each product developed under the Alliance to meet this type of goal.]

IV. Results

[Discuss the impact of the Alliance activities and products during the reporting period.]

[Using the table below, list each activity and the number of individuals reached or trained during the reporting period.]

Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.)

Number of Individuals Reached or Trained  


[If applicable, discuss other issues that had a bearing on the Alliance's implementation.]

V. Upcoming Milestones

[List major planned activities, products and issues that the Alliance plans to work on during the next reporting period, including plans for renewal or conclusion.]  

 Appendix B

Template for Drafting an Alliance







[The opening paragraph and overall goals may be modified to reflect the specifics of the Alliance but in general should fit this model.]

The U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) and <Organization Name(s)> recognize the value of establishing a collaborative relationship to promote the employment of people with disabilities. ODEP and <Organization Name(s)> hereby form an Alliance to provide <Organization(s)> members and others with information, guidance, and access to resources that will help them to recruit, hire, and advance workers with disabilities. In developing this Alliance, ODEP and <Organization Name(s)> recognize that ODEP and <Organization Name(s)> [stakeholders, members, leadership, customers] are an integral part of this national effort.

[The goals and objectives listed below are organized by standard goal types (training and education; outreach and communication; and promoting the national dialogue on advancing the employment of people with disabilities). To the extent possible, these goals should be specific.  In addition, they may be customized to fit the circumstances.  Delete any that do not apply.]

ODEP and <Organization(s)> will work together to achieve the following training and education goals:

[The following are model objectives for this goal.  Delete any that do not apply and to the extent possible, make specific those that do, for example, by naming the type of training and its communication venue (staff development courses, internet/intranet information, for example.] 

    • Work with ODEP to disseminate training and education materials to [staff/members] on issues of concern in order to advance recruitment and employment of job candidates with disabilities. 
    • Work with ODEP to disseminate and share effective disability employment practices and to provide expertise in communicating such information to employers and employees in the industry.
    • Work with ODEP to provide expertise on key industry issues as they pertain to the employment of people with disabilities.

ODEP and <Organization(s)> will work together to achieve the following outreach and communication goals:

[The following are model objectives for this goal.  Delete any that do not apply and to the extent possible, make specific those that do, for example, by naming specific conferences to attend or the audience(s) to be reached.] 

    • Work with ODEP to provide expertise in developing information on advancement of employment of people with disabilities, and to provide expertise in developing ways of communicating such information (e.g. print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools and ODEP’s and the <Organization’s> Web sites) to employers and employees in the industry.
    • Speak, exhibit, or appear at ODEP or <Organization(s)> conferences, local meetings, or other <specify> events.
    • Share information among ODEP personnel and industry diversity and EEO professionals regarding <Organization(s)> best practices or effective approaches and publicize results through outreach by <Organization(s)> and through ODEP- or <Organization(s)>-developed materials, training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other applicable forum).
    • Work with other Alliance participants on specific issues and projects on <specify issue, industry, or audience> that are addressed and developed through the Alliance Program.

ODEP and <Organization(s)> will work together to achieve the following technical assistance goals:

[Following are model objectives for this goal. Delete any that do not apply and to the extent possible, make specific those that do, for example, by naming specific strategies to be conducted or the audience(s) to be reached.]

    • Work with ODEP to identify, document and disseminate effective employer policies and practices to members/employees/other employers.
    • Work with ODEP to identify activities that demonstrate, evaluate or replicate model disability employment strategies.
    • Work with ODEP to identify employment issues of concern to which the Alliance should direct particular attention and resources.
    • Work with ODEP to promote ODEP-funded technical assistance services, such as the Job Accommodation Network and the Employer Assistance and Resource Network.

ODEP and <Organization(s)> will work together to achieve the following goals related to promoting the national dialogue on employment and advancement of people with disabilities:

[Following are model objectives for this goal. Delete any that do not apply and to the extent possible, make specific those that do, for example, by naming specific studies to be conducted or the audience(s) to be reached.]

    • Raise others’ awareness of and demonstrate their own commitment to the advancement of employment for people with disabilities whenever <Organization(s)> leaders address groups.
    • Develop and disseminate case studies illustrating the business value of employing people with disabilities and publicize their results.
    • Convene or participate in forums, round table discussions, or stakeholder meetings on <specify> issues to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace on recruiting, hiring, retaining and promoting people with disabilities.

ODEP’s Alliances provide parties an opportunity to participate in a voluntary cooperative relationship with ODEP for purposes such as training and education, outreach and communication and promoting a national dialogue on the employment of people with disabilities. These Alliances have proved to be valuable tools for both ODEP and its Alliance participants. By entering into an Alliance with a party, ODEP is not endorsing any products or services of that party; nor does the Agency enter into an Alliance with the purpose of promoting particular products or services of any party.

[The implementation paragraph, below, may be modified by adding or deleting Directorates or offices to be represented on the team, according to the specific objectives, strategies, or issues to be addressed under the Alliance.]

An implementation team made up of representatives of both organizations will meet to develop a plan of action, determine working procedures, and identify the roles and responsibilities of the participants. In addition, they will meet at least three times per year to track and share information on activities and results in achieving the goals of the Alliance. Team members will include representatives of ODEP’s Policy Teams, Education & Outreach Division, and any other appropriate offices.

This agreement will remain in effect for <two years/or specify mutually agreed upon period>. <specify: Either/Any> signatory may terminate it for any reason at any time, provided they give 30 days written notice. This agreement may be modified at any time with the concurrence of <specify: both/all> signatories.

______________  _____ _________________  _____ 
<Name> Date <Name> Date
Assistant Secretary
Office of Disability
Employment Policy
<Organization Name>



 Appendix C

Template for Drafting a Renewal Alliance Agreement







The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) and the [Organization Name(s)] hereby renew the Alliance agreement signed on [original date]. ODEP and [Organization] continue to recognize the value of collaborative efforts to advance the employment opportunities of people with disabilities. ODEP and [Organization] remain committed to cooperative and proactive efforts to advance workplace disability practices.

ODEP's Alliances provide parties an opportunity to participate in a voluntary cooperative relationship with ODEP for purposes such as training and education, outreach and communication and promoting a national dialogue on the recruitment, hiring, advancing and retaining workers with disabilities. These Alliances have proved to be valuable tools for both ODEP and its Alliance participants. By entering into an Alliance with a party, ODEP is not endorsing any of that party's products or services; nor does the Agency enter into an Alliance with the purpose of promoting a particular party's products or services.

In addition, the implementation team will continue to meet on a regular schedule to track and share information on activities and results in achieving the goals of the Alliance.

This agreement will remain in effect for two years from the date of signing and will automatically be renewed annually thereafter. This agreement may be modified at any time with the concurrence of both signatories and may be terminated for any reason with 30 days written notice from either signatory.  


______________  _____ _________________  _____ 
<Name> Date <Name> Date
Assistant Secretary
Office of Disability
Employment Policy
<Organization Name>

 Appendix D

Process Flow Chart

Text Version of Flow Chart

Process Flow Chart

WRP logo
Workforce Recruitment Program

business case logo
Business Case

business Sense logo
Business Sense

JAN logo
Job Accommodation Network

EARN works logo
EARN Works

ODEP Summit logo
ODEP Summit

Disability Info Logo
Disability Information Resource

ODEP Circle of Champions logo
Circle Of Champions

ODEP Alliance Logo
Alliance Initiative

Technical Assistance Centers:

Start-Up USA logo
Start-Up USA

NCWD logo
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability

NCWD logo
National Technical Assistance and Research Center


March 2009

Percentage of people with disabilities in the labor force:


Unemployment rate of persons with a     disability:



Phone Numbers