Endangered Species Program
Midwest Region


Species Information

Listed Species in the Upper Midwest

Listed Species' Ranges by State and County

Candidate Species

Species of Concern

Featured Species

Bald Eagle

Canada Lynx

Freshwater Mussels

Gray Wolf

Hine's Emerald Dragonfly

Indiana Bat

Karner Blue Butterfly

Kirtland's Warbler

Piping Plover

Whooping Crane

Endangered Species Act









S7 Consultation


Regional Office Staff

ES Field Offices



Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Grants

Non-traditional S6 Grants

2007 Funded Projects (Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin)


News Release: $1.3 Million in Federal Funds Flow To Midwest States To Help Endangered Species (May 15, 2007)
List of 2007 awards nationwide (pdf, 11 pages)


Habitat Conservation Plan Land Acquisition Grant

photo of the Karner blue butterfly.
Photo by Ann Swengel

*Karner Blue Butterfly HCP Land Acquisition Wisconsin (Waupaca and Burnett Counties, WI): $192,000.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is awarded $192,000 to partially fund the acquisition of a 97 acre parcel and a 320 acre parcel located within Waupaca and Burnett Counties, respectively. Each of the parcels is located within Wisconsin State Natural Area acquisition boundaries. Purchase of the Sawyer property significantly benefits the restoration and management of the prairie/savanna/barrens ecosystem present on the complex of lands owned by the DNR in central Wisconsin. The Plum Creek property as well as Crex Meadows and Fish Lake State Wildlife Areas lie within the Northwest Sands Ecological Landscape, a globally imperiled ecosystem. Acquisition of this parcel will enhance restoration and management of this rare ecosystem.


PDF version of 9-page grant proposal


Habitat Conservation Planning Assistance Grant

Photo of an Indiana bat.
Photo by Adam Mann, Environmental Solutions and Innovations

HCP for the Indiana Bat on Indiana State Forest Lands (State-wide): $375,000.
This grant will help support the development of an Indiana Bat HCP covering all of the Indiana State Forest system containing about 150,000 acres in ten management units. Many of these forests contain caves in which a large proportion of endangered Indiana bats hibernate. These caves are considered essential to the continued survival of the species. This HCP also has the potential to benefit more than 30 other State-listed or species of concern which use similar portions of Indiana’s State Forests. Completion of this HCP will be the first to address Indiana bat management concerns on an actively managed forest, providing a positive model for other States and forest managers.


Recovery Land Acquisition Grants

Photo of pallid sturgeon.Missouri

Windy Bar Island Acquisition (Cape Girardeau County, MO): $483,504.

The Missouri Department of Conservation is awarded $483,504 to acquire a 705-acre Mississippi river island for the purpose of protecting a critically important habitat type for pallid sturgeon recovery. This project will effectively protect and enhance habitats that support federally endangered pallid sturgeon within the Middle Mississippi River, endangered interior least terns, and Indiana bats.

Windy Bar Island provides habitat for both federally endangered and state listed species. Populations of pallid sturgeon, interior least terns, and Indiana bats (summer roosting habitat) are all supported by habitats present on Windy Bar and within Schenimann Chute.


PDF Version of 11-page grant proposal



Photo of clubshell mussel.*Land Acquisition Initiative Along the Little Darby Creek State and National Scenic River to Aid in the Recovery of Clubshell and Northern Riffleshell (Madison County, OH): $247,395.

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Natural Areas and Preserves will use this funding to purchase the 174 acre Riverwood Property. The property is adjacent to Little Darby Creek and its acquisition will secure habitat for two endangered mussels, the clubshell and Northern riffleshell. The property consists of riparian forest buffer and floodplain, several small tributaries with associated forested ravines, forest wetlands, and upland habitat.

PDF Version of 15-page grant proposal


* Indicates partial funding awarded


Text created May 15, 2007


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Last updated: February 18, 2009