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Hall of Secretaries

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Alexis M. Herman Portrait Artist: Simmie Knox

Alexis M. Herman

Tenure: May 1, 1997 to January 20, 2001

Born in Mobile, Alabama; graduate of Xavier University. Worked for Catholic Charities prior to joining the Carter Administration as Director of the Women's Bureau. Left government service in 1980 to become an entrepreneur and labor relations expert. Appointed Assistant to the President and Director of the White House Public Liaison Office in 1993.

Appointed by Bill Clinton. Priorities were a prepared workforce, a secure workforce, and quality workplaces. Facilitated negotiations between UPS management and Teamsters union leaders, ending ten day strike. Major issues included retooling DOL skills programs into a simpler, more efficient system; giving working people needed skills to succeed in the new economy; moving people from welfare to work; working with disadvantaged youth through the Youth Opportunity program.

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