


Healthy Relationships for Youth

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Current Announcements

Keeping the Circle Strong Post Conference Update

The National Indian Women's Health Resource Center hosted a two and a half day national conference in Albuquerque, NM June 9-11, 2008. Please check our website, as we will soon be posting a final report, pictures, the complete participant list, and the PowerPoints presented at the conference. Thank you to all those who attended and participated! You helped our event become a great success!

Click Here for Conference Materials

Quality of Life

Quality of Life The Quality of Life Project aims to provide cancer resources specific to Native American cancer survivors and their families. This site addresses the increase of cancer incidence and mortality among the Native American population. To complete a survey or to learn more about this project and the efforts being made to provide the most up-to-date health information for cancer patients and survivors please email Janie Dibble at janie@niwhrc.org or call 1-866-464-9472 ext. 107 or 103. Survivors who complete the survey will receive a phone card or a gift card.

(Click the Tree to Learn More)