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May 8, 2009   
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Worksite Accommodations

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
JAN, a service of the Office of Disability Employment Policy, is a toll-free information and referral service on job accommodations for people with disabilities; on the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act; and on resources for technical assistance, funding, education, and services related to the employment of people with disabilities. In addition, JAN analyzes trends and statistical data related to the technical assistance it provides.

JAN 1-800-526-7234 or
1-800-ADA-WORK (1-800-232-9675)

Accommodations for Employees with Psychiatric Disabilities - fact sheet

Advancing Opportunities: Accommodations Resources for Federal Managers and Employees - fact sheet

Customized Solutions for Today's Workforce: The Job Accommodation Network - fact sheet

Investing in People: Job Accommodation Situations and Solutions - fact sheet

Personal Assistance Services in the Workplace - fact sheet

The Job Accommodation Process: Steps to Collaborative Solution - fact sheet

Access Board
The Access Board or Architectural and Transportation Compliance Board provides technical assistance the ADA Accessibility guidelines.

Access Board
1331 F.Street, NW Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20004
Documents and questions: 1-800-872-2253 (Voice) 1-800-993-2822 (TTY)
Electronic bulletin board: 1-2-202272-5448


WRP logo
Workforce Recruitment Program

business case logo
Business Case

business Sense logo
Business Sense

JAN logo
Job Accommodation Network

EARN works logo
EARN Works

ODEP Summit logo
ODEP Summit

Disability Info Logo
Disability Information Resource

ODEP Circle of Champions logo
Circle Of Champions

ODEP Alliance Logo
Alliance Initiative

Technical Assistance Centers:

Start-Up USA logo
Start-Up USA

NCWD logo
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability

NCWD logo
National Technical Assistance and Research Center


March 2009

Percentage of people with disabilities in the labor force:


Unemployment rate of persons with a     disability:



Phone Numbers