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Lewis and Clark National Historical ParkLiving History
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Lewis and Clark National Historical Park
Environmental Factors

Within the original 125 acre Fort Clatsop National Memorial there are several small streams, springs and ponds, as well as, the Lewis and Clark River.  In 1995, a Water Quality Baseline Inventory was initiated and data was collected for 3 years.  Using this information, several sites were selected for a long term monitoring program, which is still ongoing at the present time.  All water quality data is stored in our data base for use by scientisits and researchers.

Through a cooperative agreement with the National Weather Service, Fort Clatsop National Memorial set up a weather station in 1998 and began recording daily weather conditions.  Monthly reports are compiled and sent in to the Portland office.  The park's climate is mild and wet with annual precipitation averging about 70 inches per year.  Average annual temperatures range from a high of 67 degrees (F) to a low of 35 degrees (F).

We recommend that you dress in layers, the weather can change quickly.
Did you know?  

Did You Know?
Sergeant Patrick Gass wrote that of the 106 days they were at Fort Clatsop it rained all but 12, and of the 12 dry days, only 6 were sunny.

Last Updated: August 02, 2006 at 14:24 EST