FIPSE Grants in Action

Welcome to a new feature of the Fund for Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) Web site. This is where we will post new information that we hope will be of interest to academia and the general public. We welcome your comments, questions, and requests for additional resources that you would like to see. Send your remarks to Susan Lehmann, FIPSE’s Education Research Analyst, at

We are beginning with a series of maps which highlight different types of projects that your colleagues have recently worked on, or are currently working on, with funds from FIPSE competitive grants. As you look at the maps, be sure to click on some of the pushpins or the names at the left so that you can see places to go for more information about the projects, contact information for the project director, and Web sites offering educational resources.

Archives Which Have Received FIPSE Funding
This is a map showing archives which have received funding from the Fund. The Internet address of each archive was live as of 4/1/2009.

FIPSE Projects in Energy Technology
These are FIPSE grants that deal with innovation in the field of energy technology.

FIPSE Competitive Grants to Community Colleges, FY 2000 – FY 2008
The 83 competitive grants awarded by FIPSE to community colleges between FY 2000 and FY 2008.



Last Modified: 04/15/2009