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Interactive Real-Time Data Retrieval Map

North Carolina watershed map

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This interactive map has been provided as a geographic interface to water data from about 400 USGS sites in North Carolina. Data from these sites are available via USGS's NWISWeb. The National Water Information System (NWIS) is a comprehensive and distributed application that supports the acquisition, processing, and long-term storage of water data. NWISWeb serves as the publicly available portal to a geographically seamless set of much of the water data maintained within NWIS.

For more information and suggestions on this interface, please contact We look forward to your comments.

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Page Contact Information: North Carolina Web Development Team
Page Last Modified: Sunday, 08-Mar-2009 14:06:40 EDT

Hiwassee Little Tennessee Savannah Savannah French Broad Broad Catawba Watauga New Yadkin-Peedee Roanoke Cape Fear Chowan-Pasquotank Tar-Pamlico Neuse Lumber