USGS - science for a changing world


U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
Michigan Water Science Center


In cooperation with the State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality,
and the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources

STRMDEPL08—An Extended Version of STRMDEPL with Additional Analytical Solutions to Calculate Streamflow Depletion by Nearby Pumping Wells

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1166

By Howard W. Reeves



This report is available below as a 22–page PDF for viewing and printing.


STRMDEPL, a one-dimensional model using two analytical solutions to calculate streamflow depletion by a nearby pumping well, was extended to account for two additional analytical solutions. The extended program is named STRMDEPL08. The original program incorporated solutions for a stream that fully penetrates the aquifer with and without streambed resistance to ground-water flow. The modified program includes solutions for a partially penetrating stream with streambed resistance and for a stream in an aquitard subjected to pumping from an underlying leaky aquifer. The code also was modified to allow the user to input pumping variations at other than 1-day intervals. The modified code is shown to correctly evaluate the analytical solutions and to provide correct results for half-day time intervals.



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small image of front cover


Whole report (764 KB) - 22 pages (8.5” by 11” paper)



Suggested Citation:

Reeves, H.W., 2008, STRMDEPL08—An extended version of STRMDEPL with additional analytical solutions to calculate streamflow depletion by nearby pumping wells: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1166, 22 p. Date Posted: June 16, 2008: []






Analytical Solutions

Modifications to STRMDEPL

Verification of Model Results

Constant Pumping—First Set of Test Cases

Time-Varying Pumping Rates—Second Set of Test Cases

Summary of Modified Code

References Cited

Appendix 1.  Input Instructions and Example Files

Example Input File

Example Output File

Example Plot File



    1. Diagram showing alternate conceptual models for streamflow depletion by a pumping well: (A) fully penetrating stream
        with no streambed resistance, (B) fully penetrating stream with streambed resistance, (C) partially penetrating stream
        with streambed resistance, and (D) partially penetrating stream in an aquitard with pumping from underlying leaky


2–6. Graphs showing:

  2. Results from three streamflow-depletion solutions for the special case in which the solutions should yield identical

  3. Hunt (1999) solution (equation 5) shown for a range of streambed conductance values with values of no
      streambed resistance shown as reference.

  4. Hunt (2003) solution for pumping from a leaky aquifer underlying a stream in an aquitard with varying hydraulic
      properties and Hunt (1999) solution showed as reference.

  5. Comparison of fully penetrating stream (Hantush, 1965) and partially penetrating stream (Hunt, 1999) solutions
      for case where solutions should yield identical results.

  6. Response to time-varying pumping comparing three pumping scenarios: 3 months of pumping at 1 cubic foot per
      second with 12 hours of pumping followed by 12 hours of no pumping (half-day pumping); 3 months of pumping at
      1 cubic foot per second with 3–1/2 days of pumping followed by 3–1/2 days of no pumping (half-week pumping);
      and 3 months of continuous pumping at 0.5 cubic feet per second (half-rate pumping).



For additional information, contact:

U.S. Geological Survey
Michigan Water Science Center
6520 Mercantile Way, Suite 5
Lansing, MI 48911-5991


or for more information about USGS activities in Michigan, visit the USGS Michigan Water Science Center home page.


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