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Southern California Geologic Hazards

The overarching goal for this effort is to identify the active fault systems in the southern California coastal zone, including the continental shelf and adjacent deep basins, that pose the greatest potential seismic hazards for the most populated urban corridor along the U.S. Pacific margin. The history of fault movements as well as the current strain building along the active faults must be determined to evaluate the hazard potential.

See Tierra: Digital Data [page size >60KB], Digital Photos [page size >60KB], Reports, What's New, Related Links, and Permit Documents

Geologic Shake Map
[Click on Thumbnail to view Full Image]
This figure demonstrates the need for work done by the CABRILLO Project to understand offshore earthquake hazards. Early in 2002, a small magnitude 4.6 earthquake centered 40 miles offshore caused shaking of coastal southern California that was felt from Santa Barbara to Irvine. There are many faults (in red) much closer to shore, some of which may have the potential to produce devastating earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater.

In addition, the history of submarine landslide generation related to earthquake ground motion is critical to determine the potential for the generation of tsunamis that could devastate the coastal area.
Submarine Landslide Map
[Click on Thumbnail to view Full Image]

Accomplishments and Current Work:

  • Seismic Lines: Tierra has performed geophysical and side-looking-sonar surveys. In addition to sidescan-sonar images, the surveys have obtained high-resolution multichannel, chirp sonar, and Huntec deep-tow boomer data as well
  • Cores: Sediment coring has provided samples for dating to determine the age of fault movements, as well as provides age control for the high-resolution stratigraphic analysis, as well as providing material for radiocarbon dating
  • Dating: Tierra is using radiocarbon dating of cores for age identification of faults and landslides


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For more information, please contact: 
Project coordinator: Homa J. Lee
Web coordinator: Carol Reiss
Web developer: Lori Hibbeler

Site maintained by: Laura Zink Torresan
Modified: 2 February 2005 (lh)

US Department of the Interior   US Geological Survey   Coastal & Marine Geology Program   Western CMG  
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