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NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine, Trusted Health Information from the National Institutes of Health

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Summer 2007 Issue: Volume 2 Number 3

Cell Model

From the Director: Stem Cell Research: Unlocking the Mystery of Disease

When he testified earlier this year before the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, Dr. Elias Zerhouni, NIH Director, described the… Continue Reading, 'From the Director: Stem Cell Research: Unlocking the Mystery of Disease'

An illustration showing sections of the back.

"Oh, My Achin' Back!"

Some days, Robert Schwartz, a writer from Ashland, Ore., has so much back pain he has to sit on the floor to put on his shoes. Although he's seen a doctor, he still doesn't know what triggers the pain or how long it will last... Continue Reading, "Oh, My Achin' Back!"

A man taking a sleep study.

Snooze Alarm—Your Wake-up Call

pencil and paper

Sleep Quiz

Take the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research Sleep Quiz TRUE OR FALSE ?... Continue Reading, 'Sleep Quiz'

A brain-computer interface (BCI) system

Connections that Count

Most of us take the ability to communicate for granted. We talk and write. But what if you're paralyzed and can't speak? Each year, stroke silences tens of thousands of Americans... Continue Reading, 'Connections that Count!'

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Then & Now: Medical Research Pays Off for All Americans

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), thirty-second President of the United States, was born before the advent of modern medical science. Elected president in 1932, he led the country through the Great Depression and World War II.. Continue Reading, 'Then & Now: Medical Research Pays Off for All Americans'

We Can! Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition

Obesity & Kids ---Let's Get Moving!

The success of an ongoing childhood fitness and weight-loss program sponsored by five NIH institutes is spreading across the United States. Here's how you can get involved in We Can!—Ways to Enhance Children's Activity and Nutrition... Continue Reading, 'Obesity & Kids ---Let's Get Moving!'


HealthLines Go, Slow, and Whoa Foods

…quick tips for seasonal health, safety and fun. Use this chart as a guide to help you and your family make smart food choices...Continue Reading, 'HealthLines Go, Slow, and Whoa Foods'