BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Kuwait Local time: 08:54 AM

International Company Profile (Due Diligence)

Post conducts a comprehensive background check on a Kuwaiti company, reporting on its owners, financial resources, sales, business activities and its suitability as a business partner for American companies. In addition to checking with trade and bank references, the responsible Commercial Specialist will often visit the company's premises and conduct multiple interviews for the report.  

Participation Fee: Large Companies*: $900. SME*: $600. SME New to export: $350).  

* A Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) is define as a firm with 500 or fewer employees or self-certified as a small business under SBA regulations. A large company is defined as firm with more than 500 employees. Subdiaries will be classified based on the size of the parent company.    

Delivery: Post requires 28 work days from receipt (excluding Kuwait local holidays).    

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