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Digest of Education Statistics
2002 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 345. Total expenditures of private not-for-profit degree-granting institutions, by purpose and by type of institution: 1999-2000

                             |            |           |          |          |          |          |           |          |          |          |           |
                             |   Total    |Instruction| Research |  Public  |Academic  | Student  | Institu-  |Auxiliary |Net grant |Hospitals |Independent|  Other
           Type of           |expenditures|           |          | service  | support  | services |  tional   |  enter-  |  aid to  |          |operations |
         institution         |            |           |          |          |          |          |  support  |prises/1/ |students/2|          |           |
              1              |     2      |     3     |    4     |    5     |    6     |    7     |     8     |    9     |    10    |    11    |    12     |    13
                             |                                                       In thousands
  Total .....................|$81,555,821 |$26,012,599|$8,381,926|$1,446,958|$6,510,951|$5,688,499|$10,585,850|$8,300,021|$1,180,882|$7,893,796| $2,753,679|$2,800,661
4-year ......................| 79,482,947 | 25,669,062| 8,376,568| 1,437,440| 6,460,710| 5,559,762| 10,347,341| 8,198,074| 1,159,101| 7,355,110|  2,752,019| 2,167,761
  Doctoral, extensive\3\ ....| 38,833,953 | 11,671,325| 6,842,163|   474,505| 2,845,491| 1,386,123|  3,430,067| 3,169,638|   236,505| 5,631,570|  2,452,586|   693,980
  Doctoral, intensive\4\ ....|  5,892,807 |  2,255,118|   405,948|   236,924|   757,716|   435,270|    862,543|   629,399|    71,045|     7,635|     59,501|   171,708
  Master's\5\  ..............| 12,991,873 |  4,948,366|   174,209|   141,288| 1,224,408| 1,563,862|  2,285,200| 1,724,059|   232,477|    89,343|     29,812|   578,850
  Baccalaureate\6\  .........| 12,564,700 |  4,292,940|   120,762|   108,333| 1,065,122| 1,669,713|  2,351,719| 2,158,376|   420,408|        10|     75,174|   302,143
  Specialized institutions\7\|  9,199,614 |  2,501,313|   833,485|   476,390|   567,973|   504,794|  1,417,812|   516,603|   198,666| 1,626,553|    134,946|   421,079
    Art, music, or design ...|    956,043 |    344,585|       798|    15,963|    76,202|    80,124|    165,707|    61,420|    62,385|         0|     28,744|   120,115
    Business and management .|    716,675 |    235,239|     1,694|    15,353|    67,871|   114,914|    172,022|    82,238|     3,216|         0|      1,708|    22,421
    Engineering or technology|    329,630 |    119,001|    30,298|     1,904|    26,922|    27,205|     64,452|    28,335|     7,012|         0|     12,598|    11,903
    Medical or other health .|  5,138,059 |  1,118,023|   792,736|   404,780|   181,073|   115,739|    506,321|   133,805|    34,894| 1,626,039|     78,527|   146,123
    Theological .............|  1,447,513 |    432,880|     4,504|    18,812|   129,864|   106,041|    378,738|   185,107|    78,256|         0|     10,213|   103,097
    Tribal\8\ ...............|     17,475 |      4,920|         0|     2,906|       811|       858|      3,390|       869|     2,495|         0|          0|     1,226
    Other specialized .......|    594,218 |    246,665|     3,455|    16,671|    85,230|    59,913|    127,182|    24,830|    10,407|       514|      3,156|    16,194
2-year ......................|  2,072,874 |    343,537|     5,358|     9,518|    50,240|   128,737|    238,510|   101,947|    21,781|   538,687|      1,660|   632,900
  Associate of arts .........|  2,037,645 |    337,281|     5,347|     4,580|    47,954|   124,588|    230,106|   100,353|    19,582|   538,687|      1,037|   628,128
  Tribal\8\ .................|     35,229 |      6,256|        11|     4,938|     2,286|     4,148|      8,403|     1,594|     2,199|         0|        622|     4,771
                             |                                                     Percentage distribution
  Total .....................|      100.0 |      31.9 |     10.3 |      1.8 |      8.0 |      7.0 |      13.0 |     10.2 |      1.4 |      9.7 |       3.4 |      3.4
4-year ......................|      100.0 |      32.3 |     10.5 |      1.8 |      8.1 |      7.0 |      13.0 |     10.3 |      1.5 |      9.3 |       3.5 |      2.7
  Doctoral, extensive\3\ ....|      100.0 |      30.1 |     17.6 |      1.2 |      7.3 |      3.6 |       8.8 |      8.2 |      0.6 |     14.5 |       6.3 |      1.8
  Doctoral, intensive\4\ ....|      100.0 |      38.3 |      6.9 |      4.0 |     12.9 |      7.4 |      14.6 |     10.7 |      1.2 |      0.1 |       1.0 |      2.9
  Master's\5\  ..............|      100.0 |      38.1 |      1.3 |      1.1 |      9.4 |     12.0 |      17.6 |     13.3 |      1.8 |      0.7 |       0.2 |      4.5
  Baccalaureate\6\  .........|      100.0 |      34.2 |      1.0 |      0.9 |      8.5 |     13.3 |      18.7 |     17.2 |      3.3 |        # |       0.6 |      2.4
  Specialized institutions\7\|      100.0 |      27.2 |      9.1 |      5.2 |      6.2 |      5.5 |      15.4 |      5.6 |      2.2 |     17.7 |       1.5 |      4.6
    Art, music, or design ...|      100.0 |      36.0 |      0.1 |      1.7 |      8.0 |      8.4 |      17.3 |      6.4 |      6.5 |      0.0 |       3.0 |     12.6
    Business and management .|      100.0 |      32.8 |      0.2 |      2.1 |      9.5 |     16.0 |      24.0 |     11.5 |      0.4 |      0.0 |       0.2 |      3.1
    Engineering or technology|      100.0 |      36.1 |      9.2 |      0.6 |      8.2 |      8.3 |      19.6 |      8.6 |      2.1 |      0.0 |       3.8 |      3.6
    Medical or other health .|      100.0 |      21.8 |     15.4 |      7.9 |      3.5 |      2.3 |       9.9 |      2.6 |      0.7 |     31.6 |       1.5 |      2.8
    Theological .............|      100.0 |      29.9 |      0.3 |      1.3 |      9.0 |      7.3 |      26.2 |     12.8 |      5.4 |      0.0 |       0.7 |      7.1
    Tribal\8\ ...............|      100.0 |      28.2 |      0.0 |     16.6 |      4.6 |      4.9 |      19.4 |      5.0 |     14.3 |      0.0 |       0.0 |      7.0
    Other specialized .......|      100.0 |      41.5 |      0.6 |      2.8 |     14.3 |     10.1 |      21.4 |      4.2 |      1.8 |      0.1 |       0.5 |      2.7
2-year ......................|      100.0 |      16.6 |      0.3 |      0.5 |      2.4 |      6.2 |      11.5 |      4.9 |      1.1 |     26.0 |       0.1 |     30.5
  Associate of arts .........|      100.0 |      16.6 |      0.3 |      0.2 |      2.4 |      6.1 |      11.3 |      4.9 |      1.0 |     26.4 |       0.1 |     30.8
  Tribal\8\ .................|      100.0 |      17.8 |      0.0 |     14.0 |      6.5 |     11.8 |      23.9 |      4.5 |      6.2 |      0.0 |       1.8 |     13.5
                             |                                                 Revenue per full-time-equivalent student
  Total .....................|     $32,124|    $10,246|    $3,302|      $570|    $2,565|    $2,241|     $4,170|    $3,269|      $465|    $3,109|     $1,085|    $1,103
4-year ......................|      32,134|     10,378|     3,387|       581|     2,612|     2,248|      4,183|     3,314|       469|     2,974|      1,113|       876
  Doctoral, extensive\3\ ....|      69,257|     20,815|    12,202|       846|     5,075|     2,472|      6,117|     5,653|       422|    10,043|      4,374|     1,238
  Doctoral, intensive\4\ ....|      25,159|      9,628|     1,733|     1,012|     3,235|     1,858|      3,683|     2,687|       303|        33|        254|       733
  Master's\5\  ..............|      15,877|      6,047|       213|       173|     1,496|     1,911|      2,793|     2,107|       284|       109|         36|       707
  Baccalaureate\6\  .........|      20,911|      7,144|       201|       180|     1,773|     2,779|      3,914|     3,592|       700|        # |        125|       503
  Specialized institutions\7\|      35,468|      9,644|     3,213|     1,837|     2,190|     1,946|      5,466|     1,992|       766|     6,271|        520|     1,623
    Art, music, or design ...|      26,049|      9,389|        22|       435|     2,076|     2,183|      4,515|     1,674|     1,700|         0|        783|     3,273
    Business and management .|      16,861|      5,534|        40|       361|     1,597|     2,703|      4,047|     1,935|        76|         0|         40|       527
    Engineering or technology|      25,165|      9,085|     2,313|       145|     2,055|     2,077|      4,920|     2,163|       535|         0|        962|       909
    Medical or other health .|      88,932|     19,351|    13,721|     7,006|     3,134|     2,003|      8,764|     2,316|       604|    28,144|      1,359|     2,529
    Theological .............|      19,453|      5,817|        61|       253|     1,745|     1,425|      5,090|     2,488|     1,052|         0|        137|     1,385
    Tribal\8\ ...............|      20,705|      5,829|         0|     3,443|       961|     1,017|      4,017|     1,029|     2,957|         0|          0|     1,452
    Other specialized .......|      17,456|      7,246|       102|       490|     2,504|     1,760|      3,736|       729|       306|        15|         93|       476
2-year ......................|      31,725|      5,258|        82|       146|       769|     1,970|      3,650|     1,560|       333|     8,244|         25|     9,686
  Associate of arts .........|      31,832|      5,269|        84|        72|       749|     1,946|      3,595|     1,568|       306|     8,415|         16|     9,813
  Tribal\8\ .................|      26,568|      4,718|         8|     3,724|     1,724|     3,128|      6,337|     1,202|     1,658|         0|        469|     3,598

# Rounds to 0.0.

\1\Essentially self-supporting operations of institutions that furnish a service to students, faculty, or staff, such as residence halls and food services.
\2\Excludes tuition and fee allowances and agency transactions, such as student awards made from contributed funds or grant funds.
\3\Doctoral, extensive institutions are committed to graduate education through the doctorate, and award 50 or more doctor's degrees per year across at least 15 disciplines.
\4\Doctoral, intensive institutions are committed to education through the doctorate and award at least 10 doctor's degrees per year across 3 or more disciplines or at least 20 doctor's degrees overall.
\5\Master's institutions offer a full range of baccalaureate programs and are committed to education through the master's degree. They award at least 40 master's degrees per year, across 3 or more disciplines.
\6\Baccalaureate institutions primarily emphasize undergraduate education.
\7\Specialized 4-year institutions award degrees primarily in single fields of study, such as medicine, business, fine arts, theology and engineering. Also, includes some institutions which have 4-year programs, but have not reported sufficient data to identify program category.
\8\Tribally controlled colleges are located on reservations and are members of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance, 1999-2000" and "Fall Enrollment, 1999" surveys. (This table was prepared January 2003.)

2002 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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