Great River National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region

Who We Are

Fact Sheet
Contact Us

What We Do

Wetland and Aquatic Habitat Management
Forest Management
Grassland Management
Prescribed Fire
Cropland Management
Private Landowner Assistance

Public Use

Wildlife Obervation and Photography
Environmental Education and Interpretation

Wild Things

Fish and Mussels
Reptiles and Amphibians
Invasive Species


Fox Island
Long Island
Clarence Cannon NWR


Aerial Photographs
Land Cover
Location and Driving Directions

Mark Twain Complex

Port Louisa NWR
Great River/Clarence Cannon NWR
Two Rivers NWR
Middle Mississippi River NWR

Small Wetlands Program

Site Map


Phone: 573-847-2333
V/TTY: 800-735-2966
P.O. Box 88
Annada, MO 63330

Great River National Wildlife Refuge offers many opportunities for wildlife-dependent recreation and education. Trails and observation decks provide excellent vantage points for viewing birds and other wildlife. Fishing and hunting are allowed in some areas in cooperation with state natural resource agencies. Environmental education programs can be arranged for school groups.

Photo of a Service employee greeting someone at a public event - Photo credit:  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service / John Mabery
Carolyn Gregory assists visitors at the 2003 "Two Rivers Family Fishing Fair"

When it passed the 1997 National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act, Congress established hunting, fishing, wildlife observation and photography, and environmental education and interpretation as "priority public uses" where compatible with the mission and purpose of an individual refuge. These wildlife-dependent public uses are sometimes referred to as the "Big 6."

Not every division of Great River is open to all six of the priority public uses. The refuge manager uses sound professional judgment in determining compatible uses, and the Refuge System Improvement Act established a formal process for determining what uses are permitted.

We encourage everyone to come out and enjoy the refuge. However, certain regulations are necessary to protect wildlife and preserve the beauty of the area. For more information on open areas, regulations, educational activities, and types of public use permitted on the refuge, contact us.

General Information

  • Bicycling is allowed on Refuge roads unless otherwise posted.

  • Pets must be on a leash except when used for the purpose of hunting where hunting is allowed.

  • Berry and mushroom gathering are allowed for personal consumption only. These items shall not be used for any commercial use.

  • Shed antler collecting is not allowed.

  • Fires are prohibited on the refuge.

  • Overnight mooring of boats is not allowed.

  • Camping is not allowed.

  • Other than licensed hunters engaged in hunting during the season, firearms are only allowed when in vehicles, unloaded, dismantled and cased.

  • To help meet the primary Refuge purpose of providing migratory waterfowl with food, water, and protection, some refuge areas are closed to public use during fall migration.


Last updated: March 26, 2009