BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Germany Local time: 03:20 AM


Intersolar Registration Form

Our No-Cost Services for U.S. Exhibitors and U.S. Visitors

The U.S. Commercial Service in Germany provides a range of services to American exhibitors and  visitors to trade shows in Germany.

For Intersolar 2009 we are working with our fellow U.S. Commercial Service Solar Technology Sector Specialists in other countries to promote your presence, and your products/services, to buyers and other potential business partners in those markets.
Please register below!

Our Exhibitor Support Program

* We alert potential partners in Germany that you will be at the show to generate interest in your products or services.
* U.S. Commercial Service colleagues in other European countries will promote your products/services to buyers and other potential business partners in their markets. 
* We provide on-site counseling during the trade show.
* We provide you with up-to-date market research (also on other European markets).
* We feature your products or services on our official U.S. Commercial Service website in Germany to generate additional business leads.
* We can provide ad-hoc interpreting or logistics assistance, distributor lists and IPR counseling.
* We can follow up for you with the contacts you make at the trade fair, or the trade leads we collect for you.
* We can introduce you to an International Trade Specialist at your nearest Commerce Department Export Assistance Center in the United States. 

Your U.S. Commercial Service Contact

Andrea Stahl, Commercial Specialist
U.S. Commercial Service
American Consulate General
Giessener Str. 30
60435 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: 069 7535-3157 / Fax: 069 7535-3171

Note on Intellectual Property Rights

The U.S. Commercial Service is pro-actively engaged in defending American companies against counterfeit and copyright infringement. Please see our guidelines for IPR at Trade Fairs in Europe. They show how exhibitors can be supported on this very important subject.

Fields marked with * are required.

Intersolar Registration

Please tell us about your Company and your Objectives!

Please specify.

Note: This question only applies to U.S. companies!

Note: this question only applies to U.S. companies!

Submission of business or personal information is voluntary. Please be aware of our Privacy Policy.