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Adult Education Participation in 2004-05

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Table 14. Percentage of adults enrolled in formal work-related courses or training who reported specific numbers of classroom instructional hours in the past 12 months, by selected adult characteristics: 2004-05
Characteristic Number of
Total instructional hours across courses or training
10 hours or fewer 11 - 25 hours 26 - 50 hours 51 hours or more
  Total 57,00433242022
16 to 24 years5,33243191622
25 to 34 years 12,28332252321
35 to 44 years 14,47232251825
45 to 54 years 15,28934242022
55 to 64 years 7,85129282221
65 years or older 1,77835242021
Male 24,88433222124
Female 32,12034262021
White, non-Hispanic 42,60432252123
Black, non-Hispanic 6,33944181720
Hispanic 4,38536241921
Asian or Pacific Islander,
Other race, non-Hispanic 1,95732212126
Highest education level completed
Less than a high school
High school diploma/
Some college/vocational/
  associate’s degree
Bachelor’s degree 16,32228262423
Graduate or professional
  or degree
Household income
$20,000 or less 3,68343231320
$20,001 to $35,000 6,29437231921
$35,001 to $50,000 7,83934212322
$50,001 to $75,000 15,53738251720
$75,001 or more 23,65128262224
Employment status
Employed full-time 43,08331242223
Employed part-time 8,68444261317
Unemployed and looking
  for work
Not in the labor force 3,87133301720
Professional/managerial 27,40129262422
Sales/service/clerical 20,23437251621
Trade and labor 7,02837191827
NOTE: Work-related courses or training are defined as any formal courses or training taken in the 12 months prior to the interview that had an instructor present and were related to job or career, whether or not the respondent had a job when he or she took them. Information was collected on up to four work-related courses or training taken in the 12 months prior to the interview. If an adult took more than four courses or training, four were sampled for data collection. Time spent in work-related courses or training was weighted to account for the sub-sampling of courses/training. Details may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Adult Education Survey of the 2005 National Household Education Surveys Program.

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