CES Series for Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Under NAICS

The table below shows the NAICS series that CES publishes for the Trade, transportation, and utilities supersector. The series published codes are for the not seasonally adjusted series. Publication of CES series under NAICS began with the release of May 2003 data on June 6, 2003. After the switch to NAICS, CES no longer produces or publishes SIC-based data; however, the SIC database will be available indefinitely with data through April 2003 only. The start dates for the All Employees series are listed below; the other datatypes have varying start dates but all series have history back to at least 1990.

2002 NAICS code NAICS title Industry code Series published 1/ Beginning date of AE series
Trade, transportation, and utilities 40000000 A 1939
42 Wholesale trade 41420000 A 1939
423 Durable goods 41423000 D 1990
4231 Motor vehicle and parts 41423100 D 1990
42311 Motor vehicles 41423110 D 1990
42312 New motor vehicle parts 41423120 D 1990
4232 Furniture and furnishings 41423200 D 1990
42321 Furniture 41423210 C 1990
42322 Home furnishings 41423220 D 1990
4233 Lumber and construction supplies 41423300 D 1990
42331 Lumber and wood 41423310 D 1990
42332 Masonry materials 41423320 D 1990
42333,9 Roofing, siding, and other construction materials 41423390 D 1990
4234 Commercial equipment 41423400 D 1990
42342 Office equipment 41423420 D 1990
42343 Computer and software 41423430 D 1990
42345 Medical equipment 41423450 D 1990
42341,4,6,9 Miscellaneous professional and commercial equipment 41423490 D 1990
4235 Metals and minerals 41423500 D 1990
4236 Electric goods 41423600 D 1990
42361 Electrical equipment and wiring 41423610 D 1990
42362,9 Electric appliances and other electronic parts 41423690 D 1990
4237 Hardware and plumbing 41423700 D 1990
42371 Hardware 41423710 D 1990
42372 Plumbing equipment 41423720 D 1990
42373,4 HVAC and refrigeration equipment 41423740 D 1990
4238 Machinery and supplies 41423800 D 1990
42381 Construction equipment 41423810 D 1990
42382 Farm and garden equipment 41423820 D 1990
42383 Industrial machinery 41423830 D 1990
42384 Industrial supplies 41423840 D 1990
42385 Service establishment equipment 41423850 D 1990
42386 Other transportation goods 41423860 C 1990
4239 Miscellaneous durable goods 41423900 D 1990
42391 Sporting goods 41423910 C 1990
42393 Recyclable materials 41423930 D 1982
42394 Jewelry 41423940 C 1990
42392,9 Toy, hobby, and other durable goods 41423990 D 1990
424 Nondurable goods 41424000 D 1990
4241 Paper and paper products 41424100 D 1990
42411,2 Printing and writing paper and office supplies 41424120 D 1990
42413 Industrial paper 41424130 D 1990
4242 Druggists' goods 41424200 D 1990
4243 Apparel and piece goods 41424300 D 1990
42432 Men's and boys' clothing 41424320 C 1990
42433 Women's and children's clothing 41424330 C 1990
4244 Grocery and related products 41424400 D 1990
42441 General line grocery 41424410 D 1990
42442 Packaged frozen food 41424420 C 1990
42448 Fruits and vegetables 41424480 D 1990
4245 Farm product raw materials 41424500 D 1990
42451 Grains and field beans 41424510 D 1990
4246 Chemicals 41424600 D 1990
42469 Other chemicals 41424690 D 1990
4247 Petroleum 41424700 D 1990
4248 Alcoholic beverages 41424800 D 1990
42481 Beer and ale 41424810 D 1990
42482 Wine and spirits 41424820 C 1990
4249 Miscellaneous nondurable goods 41424900 D 1990
42491 Farm supplies 41424910 D 1990
42492 Books and periodicals 41424920 C 1990
42493 Nursery stock and florists' supplies 41424930 C 1990
42494 Tobacco and tobacco products 41424940 C 1990
42495,9 Paint, painting supplies, and other nondurable goods 41424990 D 1990
425 Electronic markets and agents and brokers 41425000 D 1990
42511 Business to business electronic markets 41425110 D 1990
42512 Wholesale trade agents and brokers 41425120 D 1990
44,45 Retail trade 42000000 A 1939
441 Motor vehicle and parts dealers 42441000 D 1990
4411 Automobile dealers 42441100 D 1972
44111 New car dealers 42441110 D 1972
44112 Used car dealers 42441120 D 1972
4412 Other motor vehicle dealers 42441200 D 1990
44121 Recreational vehicle dealers 42441210 C 1985
44122 Motorcycle, boat, and other vehicle dealers 42441220 D 1990
4413 Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores 42441300 D 1990
44131 Automotive parts and accessories stores 42441310 D 1990
44132 Tire dealers 42441320 D 1990
442 Furniture and home furnishings stores 42442000 D 1990
4421 Furniture stores 42442100 D 1990
4422 Home furnishings stores 42442200 D 1990
44221 Floor covering stores 42442210 D 1990
44229 Other home furnishings stores 42442290 D 1990
443 Electronics and appliance stores 42443000 D 1990
44311 Appliance, TV, and other electronics stores 42443110 D 1990
443111 Household appliance stores 42443111 D 1990
443112 Radio, TV, and other electronics stores 42443112 D 1990
44312,3 Computer, software, camera, and photography supply stores 42443130 D 1990
444 Building material and garden supply stores 42444000 D 1990
4441 Building material and supplies dealers 42444100 D 1990
44411 Home centers 42444110 D 1990
44412 Paint and wallpaper stores 42444120 D 1990
44413 Hardware stores 42444130 D 1990
44419 Other building material dealers 42444190 D 1990
4442 Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores 42444200 D 1990
44421 Outdoor power equipment stores 42444210 D 1990
44422 Nursery, garden, and farm supply stores 42444220 D 1990
445 Food and beverage stores 42445000 D 1990
4451 Grocery stores 42445100 D 1990
44511 Supermarkets and other grocery stores 42445110 D 1990
44512 Convenience stores 42445120 D 1990
4452 Specialty food stores 42445200 D 1990
44521,2 Meat markets and fish and seafood markets 42445220 D 1990
44523 Fruit and vegetable markets 42445230 D 1990
44529 Other specialty food stores 42445290 D 1990
4453 Beer, wine, and liquor stores 42445300 D 1990
446 Health and personal care stores 42446000 D 1990
44611 Pharmacies and drug stores 42446110 D 1972
44612 Cosmetic and beauty supply stores 42446120 C 1990
44613 Optical goods stores 42446130 D 1990
44619 Other health and personal care stores 42446190 D 1990
446191 Food (health) supplement stores 42446191 C 1990
446199 All other health and personal care stores 42446199 D 1990
447 Gasoline stations 42447000 D 1990
44711 Gasoline stations with convenience stores 42447110 D 1990
44719 Other gasoline stations 42447190 D 1990
448 Clothing and clothing accessories stores 42448000 D 1990
4481 Clothing stores 42448100 D 1990
44811 Men's clothing stores 42448110 D 1990
44812 Women's clothing stores 42448120 D 1990
44813 Children's and infants' clothing stores 42448130 C 1990
44814 Family clothing stores 42448140 D 1958
44815 Clothing accessories stores 42448150 D 1990
44819 Other clothing stores 42448190 D 1990
4482 Shoe stores 42448200 D 1958
4483 Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores 42448300 D 1990
451 Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores 42451000 D 1990
4511 Sporting goods and musical instrument stores 42451100 D 1990
45111 Sporting goods stores 42451110 D 1990
45112 Hobby, toy, and game stores 42451120 D 1990
45113 Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores 42451130 D 1990
45114 Musical instrument and supplies stores 42451140 C 1990
4512 Book, periodical, and music stores 42451200 C 1990
45121 Book stores and news dealers 42451210 D 1990
45122 Prerecorded tape, CD, and record stores 42451220 D 1990
452 General merchandise stores 42452000 D 1990
4521 Department stores 42452100 D 1990
452111 Department stores, except discount 42452111 D 1990
452112 Discount department stores 42452112 D 1990
4529 Other general merchandise stores 42452900 D 1990
45291 Warehouse clubs and supercenters 42452910 D 1990
45299 All other general merchandise stores 42452990 D 1990
453 Miscellaneous store retailers 42453000 D 1990
4531 Florists 42453100 D 1990
4532 Office supplies, stationery, and gift stores 42453200 D 1990
45321 Office supplies and stationery stores 42453210 D 1990
45322 Gift, novelty, and souvenir stores 42453220 D 1990
4533 Used merchandise stores 42453300 D 1990
4539 Other miscellaneous store retailers 42453900 D 1990
45391 Pet and pet supplies stores 42453910 D 1990
45392 Art dealers 42453920 C 1990
45393 Manufactured and mobile home dealers 42453930 C 1972
45399 All other miscellaneous store retailers 42453990 D 1990
454 Nonstore retailers 42454000 D 1990
4541 Electronic shopping and mail-order houses 42454100 D 1990
454113 Mailorder houses 42454113 D 1990
4542 Vending machine operators 42454200 C 1982
4543 Direct selling establishments 42454300 D 1990
45431 Fuel dealers 42454310 D 1990
454311 Heating oil dealers 42454311 D 1990
454312,9 Liquefied petroleum gas, bottled gas, and other fuel dealers 42454319 D 1990
45439 Other direct selling establishments 42454390 D 1990
48,49 Transportation and warehousing 43000000 A 1972
481 Air transportation 43481000 D 1990
4811 Scheduled air transportation 43481100 D 1990
4812 Nonscheduled air transportation 43481200 C 1990
482 Rail transportation 43482000 C 1947
483 Water transportation 43483000 C 1990
4831 Sea, coastal, and Great Lakes transportation 43483100 C 1990
484 Truck transportation 43484000 D 1990
4841 General freight trucking 43484100 D 1990
48411 General freight trucking, local 43484110 D 1990
48412 General freight trucking, long-distance 43484120 D 1990
484121 General freight trucking, long-distance TL 43484121 D 1990
484122 General freight trucking, long-distance LTL 43484122 D 1990
4842 Specialized freight trucking 43484200 D 1990
48421 Used household and office goods moving 43484210 D 1990
48422 Other specialized trucking, local 43484220 D 1990
48423 Other specialized trucking, long-distance 43484230 D 1990
485 Transit and ground passenger transportation 43485000 D 1990
4851 Urban transit systems 43485100 D 1990
4852 Interurban and rural bus transportation 43485200 C 1947
4853 Taxi and limousine service 43485300 C 1990
48531 Taxi service 43485310 C 1985
4854 School and employee bus transportation 43485400 D 1972
4855 Charter bus industry 43485500 C 1972
4859 Other ground passenger transportation 43485900 D 1990
486 Pipeline transportation 43486000 D 1990
487 Scenic and sightseeing transportation 43487000 D 1990
488 Support activities for transportation 43488000 D 1990
4881 Support activities for air transportation 43488100 D 1990
48811 Airport operations 43488110 D 1990
4883 Support activities for water transportation 43488300 D 1990
48831 Port and harbor operations 43488310 D 1990
48832 Marine cargo handling 43488320 D 1990
48833,9 Navigational services and other water transportation support activities 43488390 C 1990
4884 Support activities for road transportation 43488400 D 1990
48841 Motor vehicle towing 43488410 C 1990
4885 Freight transportation arrangement 43488500 D 1990
4882,9 Support activities for other transportation, including rail 43488900 D 1990
491,2 Couriers and messengers 43492000 D 1990
4921 Couriers 43492100 D 1990
4911,22 Local messengers, delivery, and postal service 43492200 C 1990
493 Warehousing and storage 43493000 D 1990
49311 General warehousing and storage 43493110 D 1990
49312 Refrigerated warehousing and storage 43493120 D 1990
49313,9 Miscellaneous warehousing and storage 43493190 D 1990
22 Utilities 44220000 A 1964
2211 Power generation and supply 44221100 D 1990
22111 Electric power generation 44221110 D 1990
221111 Hydroelectric power generation 44221111 C 1990
221112 Fossil fuel electric power generation 44221112 D 1990
221113,9 Nuclear and other electric power generation 44221119 C 1990
22112 Electric power transmission and distribution 44221120 D 1990
221121 Electric bulk power transmission and control 44221121 D 1990
221122 Electric power distribution 44221122 D 1990
2212 Natural gas distribution 44221200 D 1990
2213 Water, sewage and other systems 44221300 D 1990


1/ Publication codes for CES series are the following:

Publication code Datatypes
A All employees; women workers; production or nonsupervisory workers; and average weekly hours, average hourly earnings, and average weekly earnings of production or nonsupervisory workers
B All employees and women workers
O Average weekly overtime hours of production workers in manufacturing industries
C All employees
D All employees; production or nonsupervisory workers; and average weekly hours, average hourly earnings, and average weekly earnings of production or nonsupervisory workers


Last Modified Date: October 27, 2003