CES Series for Natural Resources and Mining Under NAICS

The table below shows the NAICS series that CES publishes for the Natural resources and mining supersector. The series published codes are for the not seasonally adjusted series. Publication of CES series under NAICS began with the release of May 2003 data on June 6, 2003. After the switch to NAICS, CES no longer produces or publishes SIC-based data; however, the SIC database will be available indefinitely with data through April 2003 only. The start dates for the All Employees series are listed below; the other datatypes have varying start dates but all series have history back to at least 1990.

2002 NAICS code NAICS title Industry code Series published 1/ Beginning date of AE series
1133,21 Natural resources and mining 10000000 A 1939
1133 Logging 10113300 D 1947
21 Mining 10210000 A 1958
211 Oil and gas extraction 10211000 D 1972
212 Mining, except oil and gas 10212000 D 1990
2121 Coal mining 10212100 D 1985
212111 Bituminous coal and lignite surface mining 10212111 D 1990
212112,3 Bituminous coal underground mining and anthracite mining 10212113 D 1990
2122 Metal ore mining 10212200 D 1990
2123 Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying 10212300 D 1990
21231 Stone mining and quarrying 10212310 D 1990
212312 Crushed and broken limestone mining 10212312 D 1990
212311,3,9 Other stone mining and quarrying 10212319 D 1990
21232 Sand, gravel, clay, and refractory mining 10212320 D 1990
212321 Construction sand and gravel mining 10212321 D 1990
21239 Other nonmetallic mineral mining 10212390 D 1990
213 Support activities for mining 10213000 D 1990
213112 Support activities for oil and gas operations 10213112 D 1990


1/ Publication codes for CES series are the following:

Publication code Datatypes
A All employees; women workers; production or nonsupervisory workers; and average weekly hours, average hourly earnings, and average weekly earnings of production or nonsupervisory workers
B All employees and women workers
O Average weekly overtime hours of production workers in manufacturing industries
C All employees
D All employees; production or nonsupervisory workers; and average weekly hours, average hourly earnings, and average weekly earnings of production or nonsupervisory workers


Last Modified Date: October 27, 2003