Revised NEPA Handbook

Idaho BLM has developed a searchable database to provide you with statewide NEPA information.  Click the NEPA DATABASE link to review Idaho projects.

NEPA documents for review 

Bruneau | Burley | Challis | Coeur d'Alene | Cottonwood | Four Rivers | Jarbidge | Owyhee |
Pocatello Salmon | Shoshone | Upper Snake  



Bruneau Field Office

See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.


Date Posted

Meyers Clay Mineral Material Site - CE04/10/2009

Burley Field Office

See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.



Murtaugh Oakley Hwy Dist. Free Use Permit - CE & DR | CE Review04/24/2009
Oakley Hwy Dist. Goose Creek Free Use Permit - DNA | DR04/24/2009
Oakley Hwy Dist. Marion Free Use Permit - DNA | DR04/24/2009
Raft River Hwy Dist. Idahome Ln Free Use Permit - CE & DR | CE Review04/24/2009
Raft River Hwy Dist. Interstate Feeders BW Free Use Permit - CE & DR | CE Review04/24/2009
Twin Falls Hwy Dist. Shoshone Basin Free Use Permit - CE & DR | CE Review04/24/2009

Challis Field Office

See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.




Coeur d'Alene Field Office

See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.


 Date Posted

Wallace South Hill EA03/23/2009
Filly Prescription Burn - Scoping Letter04/13/2009

Cottonwood Field Office

See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.


 Date Posted

Sweeney Hill Veg Management - CE04/13/2009

Four Rivers Field Office

See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.


 Date Posted

Idaho Military Division Ranges 13, 14, & 15 - CE Review04/30/2009
Cornell Allotment Grazing Preference Transfer - CE04/24/2009
Jacknife Allotment Grazing Preference Transfer - CE04/24/2009
Blacks Creek/Greeks Field FFRs Grazing Preference Transfer - CE04/10/2009
Lower Bissel Creek/Greeks Field FFRs Grazings Preference Transfer - CE04/10/2009

Jarbidge Field Office 

See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.


 Date Posted


Owyhee Field Office

See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.


 Date Posted

Murphy Travel Management Plan04/17/2009
Fossil Butte Scoping Documents - Cover Letter | Scoping Document04/06/2009

 Pocatello Field Office

See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.


 Date Posted


Salmon Field Office 

See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.


 Date Posted


Shoshone Field Office

See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.


 Date Posted

Greenhorn Amendment Scoping - Final Packet | Figure 1 | Figure 204/29/2009
Wildhorse Road Amendment - Decision | Map04/09/2009

Upper Snake Field Office

 See the NEPA DATABASE to review additional project information.


 Date Posted

Idaho Dept. of Lands Road ROW Permit Amendment - CE04/24/2009
Birch Creek Sale - EA04/22/2009
Sundown and Longhurst Allotments - EA | Proposed Decision/FONSI04/23/2009