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Safe Seas 2006: Information for News Media

2006 Fact Sheet (pdf - updated 08/04/06)

2006 Collision Site Map (jpg)

2006 Report a Drift Card Found

2005 Safe Sanctuary Videos

The following are guidelines to insure your safety during transit.

Media Resource

Oil Spill History in the Mineral Management Service's Outer Continental Shelf Region, 1969-1999
Click title to read a 2003 study by the Minerals Management Service (MMS) entitled "Oil and Gas Operations Offshore California: Status, Risks, and Safety." The study includes a table listing crude, diesel, or other hydrocarbon spills recorded off southern California in the MMS Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Region, from 1969 through 1999.

Media Advisories and Releases

08/07/2006 - Press Release: NOAA and Parners Respond to Mock Oil Spill (pdf)
08/02/2006 - Safe Seas Safety Zone Bulletin (pdf)
08/01/2006 - Safe Seas Media Day Activities (pdf)
07/07/2006 - Safe Seas 2006 Media Advisory (pdf)
07/31/2006 - Technology / Equipment Demonstration For Safe Seas Emergency Response Drill Set For Monday, August 7 (pdf)

2006 Safe Seas Media Assets

Click on the thumbnails for larger versions.


Media Opportunities

  • Aug. 7 - Tech Fair: Monday August 7, 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Pier 30-32, The Embarcadero. This will allow media a first-hand opportunity for first interview drill participants and to see some of the various types of equipment planned for use in the drill. At least two ships will be demonstrating their equipment and drill roles as well as being open for media only tours, various technological tools such as Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Sonar scanners, oil booms, skimming technology and a marine mammal field hospital unit will be available for close inspection.

  • Aug. 9 - Boat Field Trip: MEDIA BOAT TOUR - Departing at 8:00 a.m., Return to Shore 12:30 p.m. Departing from Hyde Street Marina, members of the news media will see a significant portion of the Safe Seas scenario as it takes place outside the Golden Gate in the waters of the Monterey Bay and Gulf of Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries. Among activities seen and briefed on will be Shoreline Assessment and Marine Mammal Assessment teams at work along Baker Beach and Crissy Field, helicopter deployment of an Probe for Oil Pollution Evidence in the Environment (POPEIE) buoy; drift cards representing leaking fuel oil; Ocean Observation System operations, Unmanned Aerial System video feed; three passes of a C-130 aircraft approximately 100-feet overhead dispensing of oil dispersants; skimming, booming and dispersant surface operations by oil spill response vessels; Wildlife Impact Surveys; and opportunity to view Environmental Protection Strategies off Crissy Field inside San Francisco Harbor. Lunch on board boat. MAXIMUM MEDIA CAPACITY: 20

  • Aug. 9 - Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Team: Up to four member of the media may be embedded with one of the several SCAT survey units getting a first hand look and the tedious but critically important work involved in determining impacts to coastal resources of the spilled oil or chemicals. Only 4 Slots Available.

  • Aug. 9 - Marine Mammal Impact Survey Team: Up to four members of the media may be embedded with one of the marine mammal survey teams. Only 4 Slots Available.

  • Aug. 9 - Drill Press Conference: Will transit from Pier area to Command Post at University of California Mission Bay where media will have opportunity to "role-play" in drill press conference followed by an actual press conference with drill organizers, Agency leadership and members of Congress and/or their staff. No capacity restriction.

  • Media Credential Registration Form

Participating Partner Organizations Public Affairs Contacts (pdf)


Revised August 08, 2006 by Safe Seas Web Group | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | U.S. Department of Commerce | Privacy Policy |