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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Project: Development of An Integration Sensor and Instrumentation System for Measuring Crop Conditions

Location: Areawide Pest Management Research

2008 Annual Report

1a.Objectives (from AD-416)
The overall objective of this study is to develop an integration sensor and instrumentation system for measuring crop conditions. The specific objectives are:.
1)develop an optoelectronic sensor for measuring crop conditions;.
2)design an interface module to linking all the sensors and instruments with a PC;.
3)use multisensor data fusion technology for data analyses; and.
4)develop software for data acquisition and data analyses.

1b.Approach (from AD-416)
An integrated sensor and instrumentation system will be developed to measure real-time crop conditions including normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI), biomass, crop canopy structure, and crop height. Individual sensor components will be calibrated and tested under laboratory and field conditions prior to system integration. The integration system includes crop height sensor, crop canopy analyzer for leaf area index and Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), NDVI sensor, multispectral camera, and a hyperspectral radiometer. The system will be interfaced with a DGPS receiver to provide spatial coordinates for all sensor readings. Data will be imported into a GIS for georeferencing purposes. The experimental design will be a randomized complete block with treatments arranged as split-split plots. The SAS Proc Glimmix will be used for data analyses. Multisensor data fusion will integrate and analyze data from these sensors to provide an assessment of crop structure and environment.

3.Progress Report
This is a new project, with the goal of developing an integration sensor and instrumentation system for measuring crop conditions. During the reporting period, efforts focused on research planning and the development of experimental protocols. It is expected that, as the work progresses, significant advances will be made in technology development for assessing the various external impacts that, during the growing season, affect the overall condition of important agricultural crops in the U.S. The ADODR of this project and the cooperator are located in close physical proximity and are in contact with each other on an ongoing basis. The ADODR and the cooperator (or key personnel working under the cooperator) meet and discuss the direction and progress of the work on a regular basis.


Project Team
Lan, Yubin
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
Related National Programs
  Crop Protection & Quarantine (304)
  Crop Production (305)
Last Modified: 05/08/2009
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