Home > Statistical Resources 
Statistical Resources
Visit this section to learn more about statistical standards, classifications, concepts, definitions and methods adopted by the Singapore Department of Statistics.

Data Dissemination Standard
Statistical Standards and Classifications
Statistical Concepts, Methods and IT Applications
Guide to Singapore Official Statistics
Guide to International Statistics
International Conferences
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Related Links
Educational Corner

Data Dissemination Standard
IMF Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)

Singapore is among the first group of 34 countries to subscribe to the IMF's SDDS in August 1996.


Comprises succinct descriptions of Singapore's dissemination practices for the 18 prescribed core data categories in the real sector, fiscal sector, financial sector, external sector and population.

National Summary Page

Provides the latest statistical data for key indicators in the 18 prescribed categories.

More detailed data are available in the "Statistics" section.

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Statistical Standards and Classifications
Our national statistical standards and classifications conform to the basic principles and guidelines provided in international standards. They ensure the consistency and comparability of data compiled by different statistical units and facilitate data-sharing in the government statistical system. The national statistical standards and classifications include:

Singapore Standard Industrial Classification
Singapore Standard Occupational Classification
Singapore Standard Educational Classification
Singapore Standard Classification of Household Living Arrangements
Singapore Trade Classification, Custom and Excise Duties
Singapore Statistical Standard for Age PDF (109kb)

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Statistical Concepts, Methods and IT Applications
Find out more on data collection, statistical concepts, methodologies and use of IT applications in statistical work. Information Papers and other relevant articles are presented in this section.

Economic Statistics
Business Statistics
Prices Statistics
Time Series
IT Application in Statistics

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Visit this section for a better understanding of the data definitions and coverage.

Economic Statistics
Services Statistics PDF (156kb)
Population Census 2000
General Household Survey 2005 PDF (156kb)
Household Expenditure Survey PDF (35kb)

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Guide to Singapore Official Statistics
Learn more about the development of Singapore’s statistical system and major statistical activities taken.

Singapore’s Statistical System
Major Statistical Activities in Public Sector

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Guide to International Statistics
Provides hyperlinks to international databases & classifications as well as websites of international bodies and other national statistical offices.

International Databases
International Classifications
International Links

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International Conference
Refer to this section for past international seminar/workshop organized by the Singapore Department of Statistics.

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Last updated: 9 Dec 2008