Report Highlights: State ESEA Title I Participation Information for 2000-2001: Final Summary Report (2004)


This report summarizes data for the Title I, Part A, Grants to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) program. This report provides participation data for 2000-2001 as well as comparisons to 1999-2000 and previous reporting years. Topics include: districts, schools, and students served, the range of instructional and support services provided, Title I staffing patterns, and schools' progress towards meeting performance standards. Student achievement information is reported separately in State Education Indicators with a Focus on Title I 2000-2001, a companion report soon to be available at:

Key Findings


School Improvement



Copies of this report are available by contacting the U.S. Department of Education's Publication Center in the following ways: Toll-free phone calls to 1-877-4ED-Pubs (1-877-433-7827), TTY/TDD call 1-877-576-7734. If 877 is not yet available in your area, call 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327), TTY/TDD call 1-800-437-0833; via Internet at; via e-mail at; via fax to 301-470-1244; and via mail to ED Pubs, Education Publications Center, U.S. Department of Education, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398. This report is available online at:

Archived Information: State ESEA Title I Participation Information for 1999-2000 (2002)
Highlights in Word [33K]and PDF [111K]
Complete report in PDF [522K] and in Word [2.22MB]

Last Modified: 07/22/2004