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BLS Publications 1978-1998 Bulletins and reports by subject matter
Subject Index: D

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Bulletin/Report Title Year of Data Date Issued Bull./Rpt. No.
Data processing
BLS Machine-Readable Data and Tabulating Routines (1981) Rpt. 620
Development and Uses of Table Producing Language (1978) Rpt. 515
Industry Wage Survey: Computer and Data Processing Services Mar. 1978 (1979) Bull. 2028
Oct. 1982 (1983) Bull. 2184
Information Processing at BLS (1980) Rpt. 583
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Department stores
Industry Wage Survey: Department Stores May 1977 (1978) Bull. 2006
June 1981 (1982) Bull. 2147
Aug. 1986 (1988) Bull. 2311
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Drug industry
Industry Wage Survey: Drug Manufacturing Sept. 1978 (1980) Bull. 2077
Technological Change and Its Impact on Labor In Four Industries (1992) Bull. 2409
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Dues checkoff
Major Collective Bargaining Agreements: Union Security and Dues Checkoff Provisions (1982) Bull. 1425-21
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Last Updated: August 15, 2001