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Johns Hopkins Center for Childhood Asthma in the Urban Environment Abstracts/Reports

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Research Projects:

Original Funding Period (1998-2002)

A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Home Exposure Control in Asthma
Genetic Mechanisms of Susceptibility to Inhaled Pollutants
Mechanisms Of Particulate-Induced Allergic Asthma
The Relationship Of Airborne Pollutants And Allergens To Asthma Morbidity

Current Projects (2003-2008)

The Epidemiology of Susceptibility to Airborne Particulates and Allergens to Asthma in African Americans
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Behavior Changes in Home Exposure Control
Mechanisms of Particulate-Induced Allergic Asthma
Dendritic Cell Activation by Particulate Matter and Allergen

Centers Funded By:
EPA Home NIEHS Centers for Children's Environmental Health

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