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United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
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Daniel A Strickman
Animal Production and Protection
National Program Leader
Veterinary and Medical Entomology

Phone: (301) 504-5771
Fax: (301) 504-4873
Room 4-2112

BELTSVILLE, MD, 20705-5148

Projects (Appropriated | All ) 282 projects listed

Vector Competence and Protection of U.S. Livestock and Wildlife from Arthropod-Borne Diseases
Investigation of Lupine-Induced Crooked Calf Disease in the Scablands of the Northwest
Genomic Sequencing and Annotation of Babesia Bovis
Area-Wide Suppression of Fire Ant Populations in Pastures
Biolocigal Control Organism Databases and Assessments
The Pharmacogenetics of Methyllycaconitine Toxicity: Identification of Genetic Markers in Mice
Vector Competence of North American Mosquitoes for Rift Valley Fever Virus
Investigation of a Bluetongue Outbreak in Sheep and Wildlife and Its Economic Impact
A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Ability of An Integrative Genomics Approach
A Study to Evaluate the Ability of An Integrative Genomics Approach to Identify Specific Genes That Show Allele-Specific Gene Expression...
Using the Genome to Understand Immunogenetics of Poultry
Research on Arthropod-Borne Diseases of Livestock and Wildlife and Their Vectors
Investigation of a Bluetongue Outbreak in Sheep and Wildlife and Its Economic Impact
Identifying Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Conferring Marek's Disease Resistance
Poisoning of Livestock by Various Larkspur Species (Delphinium)
Astragalus and Oxytropis Poisoning in Livestock
The Toxicity of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid-Containing Plants and Other Hepatotoxic and Neurotoxic Plants
Livestock Losses from Abortifacient and Teratogenic Plants
Non-Traditional Plant Resources for Grazing Ruminants in Appalachia
Research on Arthropod-Borne Diseases of Livestock and Wildlife
Epigenetic Changes and Chicken Marek's Disease Etiology
Genome-Wide Screen for Genes with Polymorphic Cis-Acting Elements That Respond to Marek's Disease Virus Challenge in Chicken
Genome-Wide Screen for Polymorphic Genes with Cisacting Regulatory Elements That Respond to Marek's Disease Virus Challenge in Chicken
Identify Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Conferring Marek's Disease Resistance in Chickens
Development and Field Evaluation of Genome-Wide Marker-Assisted Selection (Gwmas) over Multiple Generations in Commercial Poultry
Development and Field Evaluation of Genome-Wide Marker-Assisted Selection (Gwmas) over Multiple Generations in Commercial Poultry
Development and Validation of the Analysis of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and Their N-Oxides in Plant-Derived Products
Research on Arthropod-Borne Diseases of Livestock
Positional Candidate Genes for Resistance to Marek's Disease by Screening for Marek's Disease Virus Meq-Regulated Genes
Positional Candidate Genes for Resistance to Marek¿s Disease by Screening for Marek¿s Disease Virus Meq-Regulated Genes
Biological Studies of Putative Nonstructural Protein 2 in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus
Biological Studies of Putative Nonstructural Protein 2 in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus
Developing Predictive Models for Identifying Pigs with Superior Immune Response and Improved Food Safety
Thermal Inactivation of High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus (Hpaiv) in Egg Products
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2009)
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2009)
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2009)
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy 2009)
Functional Genomics of the Fire Ant Solenopsis Invicta
Gene Expression Signature Dynamics for Mycobacterium Avium Subsp. Paratuberculosis Infection and Persistence in Dairy Cattle
Food, Agriculture, Pest Management, Nutrition, Related Homeland Security Requirements, and Other Research of Mutal Interest
Bite Protection Studies of Fire-Resistant U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force Uniforms That Are Treated with Permethrin
Molecular Biology of Boophilus Microplus
Gene Expression in Lymph Nodes of Prrsv-Infected Pigs
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Persistent Infection of White-Tailed Deer and Their Risk to Domestic Cattle
Evaluation of Recombinant Herpresvirus-of-Turkeys Vaccine Against Avian Influenza H5n1
Evaluation of ARS Products for Protection of Deployed Military Personnel from Disease-Transmitting Insects (Fy2009)
Bovine Viral Disease Pathogenesis and Immunology
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2009)
Virus-Vector-Host Interactions of Arboviral Diseases of Livestock
Research on Arthropod-Borne Diseases of Livestock
Proprietary White-Tailed Deer Collar Assembly
Cooperation on Biotechnology and Genomics Research on Animal Health
Research and Development of Methodology for Testing Chemical Inactivation of High Consequence Viral Disease Agents
National Anthelmintic Survey
National Anthelmintic Survey
Development of a Serologic Test for Detection of Tuberculosis Cattle
Aircraft Disinsection Research
Characterization of Swine Influenza Virus Isolates
Sequencing, Cloning and Characterization of a 2007 Vietnam Prrsv Isolate
Modeling and Prediction of Attractants and Inhibitors
Global Foot and Mouth Disease Research Alliance (Gfra)
Evaluation of ARS Products for Protection of Deployed Military Personnel from Disease-Transmitting Insects
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2008)
Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Countermeasures to Prevent and Control Avian Metapneumovirus Infection
Adjuvant Evaluation Using Neospora Antigens
Functional Genomics for Dietary Immunomodulation
Development of New Active Ingredients, Formulations, and Applications for Control of Filth Flies and Protection of Military Personnel
Improving Application Methods for Effective Control of Sand Flies in Military Environment
Molecular and Antigenic Assessment of Circulating H5n1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus Strains and Evaluation of Vaccine Efficacy
Control of Respiratory and Systemic Disease Caused by Pasteurella Multocida
Development of Methodology for Application to Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostics, Surveillance, Detection, Control and Eradication
Evaluation of Cytokines Targeting Natural Killer Cells of Cattle and Swine As Potential Biotherapeutics for Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Development of Fmdv Biotherapeutics Targeting Natural Killer (Nk) Cells of Cattle and Swine
Icg Support for Seprl Study of Vietnames H5n1 Poultry Isolates.
Development and Evaluation of Digital Thermometer/relative Humidity Recording Devices with Remote Downloading Capabilities
Global Gene Expression Analysis to Investigate Mucosal Immune Response to Avian Influenza in Korean Native Chicken Breeds
Studies to Reduce Transmission of H5n1 Hpai Virus, and Assess Infectivity and Transmissibility of H5n1 Hpai Viruses for Pigs
Development of Diagnostic for Rift Valley Fever Compatible with a Diva Vaccine Control Approach
Study of Influenza a Viruses
Foreign Animal Disease Vaccines and Diagnostics
Genetic and Immune Strategies to Control Mucosal Pathogens of Swine
Research on Arthropod-Borne Diseases of Livestock and Wildlife
Susceptibility of Cattle with the E211k Prnp Allele to Bse
Prevention and Treatment of Mycobacterium Avium Subsp. Paratuberculosis (Map) Infection in Mice by Lactobacillus Acidophilus Np51
Design and Discovery of Novel Arthropod Repellents, Attractants and Toxicants
Genetic and Antigenic Characterization of North American H1 Swine Influenza Viruses
Development of Assays for Identification of Newly Evolved Virulent Strains of Newcastle Disease Virus.
Is Humoral Immunity Defective in Pcv-2 Infected Piglets?
Dissemination of Abnormal Prion Protein in the Neural and Extraneural Tissues of Wild Rocky Mountain Elk
Study of Prrsv and Prrs Related Diseases
Foreign Animal Diseases, Immune Protection and Diagnostics
Understanding Local and Systemic Protective Responses Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Infection in Cattle: a Genomics Approach
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2008)
National Research Initiative Competitive Conference for 8th International Marek's Disease Symposium
The Role of Prrsv Non-Structural Proteins 1 and 2 in Host Immunity
Development of Functional Genomic and Immunologic Approaches to Control Avian Mucosal Pathogens
Study of the Immune Potential of Various Structures of Parasites Phases
Endemic and Outbreak Strain Guidance in the Development of An Anaplasma Marginale Vaccine
Improving Application Methods for Effective Control of Sand Flies in a Military Environment
Development of New Active Ingredients, Formulations, and Applications for Control of Filth Flies and Protection of Military Personnel
Avian Genomic and Immunologic Approaches for Controlling Mucosal Pathogens
Prrs Host Genetics Consortium: a Proposal to Develop a Consortium to Study the Role of Host Genetics and Resistance to Prrs
Ir-4 Hq Assistance to Register Pesticides for Public Health Use
Detection of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Agents in Livestock, Wildlife, Agricultural Products, and the Environment
Avian Genomic and Immunologic Approaches for Controlling Mucosal Pathogens
Effect of Feeding Heat-Treated Colostrum Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis (Map) in Dairy Calves: Phase 1/06-01731
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2008)
Silencing of the Sodium Channel Gene in Pyrethroid-Resistant Boophilus Microplus with Rnai Methods
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2008)
Advanced Vaccines for Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Classical Swine Fever
Evaluation of Repellents, Inhibitors, Barrier Treatments, and Ulv Insecticides, and Other New Products in Sub-Saharan Africa
Swine Genomics and Biodefense Countermeasures Discovery
Development of An Agriculture Biosafety/biosecurity Collaborating Center
Rift Valley Fever Virus
Recombinant Vaccination Strategy Using in Ovo Injection
Evaluation and Development of Vaccines and Vaccine Seed Strains for H5n1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Control in Indonesia
Determinants of Avian Coccidiosis Infection and Pathogenicity
Development of Advanced Technologies for the Screwworm Eradication Program
Production of Transgenic Mice
Development of Transgenic Chickens Resistant to Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease
Expansion of the Kenyan Rift Valley Fever (Rvf) Veterinary Surveillance Program to Include Wildlife Species
Evaluation of Rift Valley Fever (Rvf) Veterinary Diagnostic Reagents
Cooperative Research to Capture Wild White-Tailed Deer for Determination of Tick Density on Such Deer in Specific Areas
Biological Control of Fire Ants Using New Species of Phorid Decapitating Flies
Effect of Pasture Management and Grazing Pressure on Density and Distribution of Imported Fire Ants
Implementation of a Prrsv Strain Database
Influenza Pandemic Preparedness
Biotherapeutics Development Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Swine
Investigation of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome
Characterization of Local Isolates of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Viruses and Development of Vector Based Vaccines
Investigation of Parasite Infections That Impact Livestock Production
Phylogenetic Analysis of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Viruses Carried by Persistently Infected Animals Identified in Nahms Survey
Acoustics Detection of Pests in Structures, Trees, and Soils
Identifying Critical Stimuli for the Attraction and Oviposition of Stable Fly (Stomoxys Calcitrans L.) Populations
Functional Genomic Studies of Formosan Subterranean Termites (Coptotermes Formosanus)
Biological Studies of Putative Nonstructural Protein 2 in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus
Investigation of a Bluetongue Outbreak in Sheep and Wildlife and Its Economic Impact
Lyme Disease 4 Poster-Project
Regional Integrated Management of Imported Fire Ant
Study of Atypical Bse
Measuring Immune Responses to Vaccination with Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (Fmdv) in Cattle
Molecular Biology of Boophilus Microplus
Genomic Sequencing and Annotation of Babesia Bovis
Vector Competence of North American Mosquitoes for Rift Valley Fever Virus
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies: the Role of Genetics, Strain Variation, and Environmental Contamination in Disease Control
Epidemiology and Control of Neospora Caninum and Related Protozoa
Transmission, Differentiation, and Pathobiology of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
Development of Reagents and Protocols for Diagnostics and Imaging of Newcastle Disease Virus
Countermeasures to Control and Support Eradication of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (Bvdv)
Newcastle Disease Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Control
Identification of Factors Associated with Immune Suppression and Mastitis
Strain Typing of Chronic Wasting Disease (Cwd) and Scrapie by Intracerebral Inoculation into Transgenic and Inbred Mouse Lines
Development and Evaluation of Recombinant Fowl Poxvirus Vaccines Against Avian Influenza
Host Immunogenetics Predict Clinical Diseases in Ovine Progressive Pneumonia Virus Infected Sheep
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (Fmdv) Host-Pathogen Interactions
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (Fmdv) Countermeasures Discovery
Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (Vsv) Host-Pathogen Interactions
Development of Sustained Release Devices for Biting Insect Control
Novel Strategies for the Detection of Infectious Prion Proteins
Discovery and Development of Natural Product-Based Insect Management Compounds for Medical, Veterinary, and Urban Concern
Evaluation of Novel Adjuvant on Eimeria
Evaluation of Novel Adjuvant in Recombinant Poultry Vaccine
Vaccine Development for Babesia Bovis Through Functional Genomics
Molecular Pathogenesis and Immune Response of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus and Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome Virus
Biology, Detection, and Control of the Formosan Subterranean Termite
Biosensor for Detecting Red Imported Fire Ant
In Vitro Testing of Immunostimulating Plant Extracts
Manipulation of Mammary Stem Cells to Improve Milk Production Efficiency
Developing Predictive Tools for Prevention of Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Characterization of Olfactory Proteins of the Yellow Fever Mosquito Aedes Aegypti As Targets for the Study of Chemosensory Deterrents
Identification of Native Source Populations of the Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis Invicta
Proteome Analysis of Mycoplasma Gallisepticum
Investigation of a Bluetongue Outbreak in Sheep and Wildlife and Its Economic Impact
Determinants of Anaplasma Marginale Transmission at the Vector/pathogen Interface
Immunologic and Pharmacological Interventions of Vector-Borne Babesiosis
Swine Viral Diseases Pathogenesis and Immunology
Using Genomics to Define and Control Parasitic Infections in Cattle
Countermeasures to Prevent the Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex (Prdc)
Development of Alternative Approaches to Antibiotics for Controlling Bacterial Respiratory Pathogens in Poultry
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2007)
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2007)
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2007)
Genomic Strategies for Control of Marek's Disease Virus
Development of Methods for Rapid Control of Classical Swine Fever (Csf)
DNA Vaccine Technology
Effect of Imported Fire Ants on Sweet Potato Production
Recombinent DNA Vaccine Evaluation
Immunological Response of Cattle to Leptospira Borgpetersenii Serovar Hardjo
Countermeasures to Control and Eradicate Rift Valley Fever (Rfv)
Pathogenesis and Immunological Control of Sheep-Associated Malignant Catarrhal Fever in American Bison
Genomic and Immunological Characteristics of Johne's Disease
Efficacy Trials to Validate the Usefulness of Acaricide Mixtures for the Control of Acaricide-Resistant Boophilus Microplus in New Caledonia
Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Countermeasures to Prevent and Control Enteric Viruses of Poultry
Genetic and Biological Determinants of Avian Tumor Virus Susceptibility
Genetic and Biological Determinants of Respiratory Disease Susceptibility
Evaluation of Repellents, Inhibitors, Barrier Treatments, and Ulv Insecticides, & Other New Products in a Southern California Desert Habitat
Integrated Biosystematics and Taxonomy for Parasites among Ungulates and Other Vertebrates
Characterization and Enhancement of Immune Responses of Calves
Biting Protection Assessment of U.S. Military Uniforms and Development of New Criteria to Protect Troops on Future Field Deployments
Detection and Acoustical Communication of Termites and Fire Ants
Reducing Risk of Human and Domesticated Animal Infection with West Nile and Other Emerging Infectious Viruses Carried by Mosquitoes
Genetic Studies of Rift Valley Fever Virus Vectors in Kenya
Acoustical Communications in Fire Ants
Remotely Sensed Satellite Climate & Environmental Data to Detect Elevated Populations of Mosquito Vectors of Emerging Arboviruses in the Us
Risk Assessment & Integrated Termite Management Strategies for Hawaii and the Pacific Basin
Structure-Activity Studies of Known Arthropod Repellents Using Codessa
Molecular Method for Prion Strain Analysis
Bse Pathogenesis Study
Determination of Eggshell Microstructural Characteristics and Associated Physiological Profiles in Mg-Vaccinated Egg-Laying Chickens
The Role of the Placenta in Transmission of Experimental Bse from Sheep to Sheep
Novel Recombinant Adenovirus Vaccine and Antiviral Vectors to Control Fmdv
Technology to Control Ticks Affecting Livestock and Humans
Developing and Using Molecular and Biochemical Methods for the Diagnosis of Acaricide Resistance in Boophilus Microplus
Sustainable Pest Management Systems for Blood-Feeding Flies Affecting Livestock
Research on Arthropod-Borne Diseases of Livestock and Wildlife and Their Vectors
Kerr Wildlife Management Area - Control of Ticks Feeding on White-Tailed Deer
Molecular, Nutrient, and Endocrine Basis of Metabolic Diseases That Affect the Reproductive Health of the Dairy Cow
Effect of Feeding Low and High Dietary Cation-Anion Difference Forages to Periparturient Dairy Cows
Effect of Feeding Low and High Dietary Cation-Anion Difference Forages to Periparturient Dairy Cows
Detection of Prp**d in Tissue Samples and Bodily Fluids of Cattle from the German Bse Pathogenesis Study
Genomic and Functional Analysis of the Mucosal Immune Response and Its Role in Protection Against Respiratory Pathogens in Poultry
Evaluation of Repellents and Control Compounds in Mosquitoes, Sand Flies, and Ticks Infected with Militarily Important Human Pathogens
Pathogenesis of Selected Newcastle Disease Virus Field Isolates and Recombinants
The Development of Hyperimmuned Immunoglobulin for the Control of Coccidiosis
Development of Portable Devices for Detection and Quantification of Insecticides, Repellents, and Inhibitors
Areawide Management of Imported Fire Ants
Mechanisms of Early Immune Enhancement Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Assessment of the Role of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (Fmdv) Proteins in Viral Pathogenesis
Control of Gammaherpesvirus-Associated Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Ruminants
Coordination of National Termite Management Program
Biology and Control of the Formosan Subterranean Termite
Role of Glycosylation of Csfv Envelope Proteins on Virus Virulence, Antigenicity and Immunogenicity
Determination of the Frequency Pathobiology and Environmental Persistence of Wild Birds Avian Influenza Viruses
USDA Northeast Regional Lyme Tick Control Project
Avian Intestinal Microarray Analysis
Genomic and Immunologic Strategies to Improve Milk Production Efficiency and Control Mastitis
Biological Characterization of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza(ai) Viruses and Epidemiologic Studies on Routes of Transmission of Ai in Farms
Development and Testing of Biosensor Technology for Rapid Detection of Avian Influenza
Haplotype Structure of the Bovine Prion Gene Complex and Association with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Bse)
Determination of Temperature and Time Parameters to Inactivate H5n1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus in Dried Egg Whites
Application of Biological and Molecular Techniques to the Diagnosis and Control of Avian Influenza and Other Emerging Poultry Pathogens
Comparing Immune Response of Experimental and Conventional Vaccines
Identification of Native Source Populations of the Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis Invicta
Genomic and Immunological Analysis of Spirochete Diseases
Countermeasures to Prevent and Control Tuberculosis in Cattle and Wildlife Reservoirs
Countermeasures to Prevent and Control Respiratory Pathogens of Poultry
Identifying Biomarkers Associated with Poultry Leg/skeletal Problems
Vector Competence and Protection of U.S. Livestock and Wildlife from Arthropod-Borne Diseases
Manipulation of Arthropod Behavior for Protection of Humans
Functional Genomics of Boophilus Microplus Interactions with Anaplasma Marginale
Integrated Management of Imported Fire Ants and Emerging Urban Pest Problems
Origin, Development and Population Genetics of Stable Flies Affecting Pastured and Confined Livestock
Applied Genomic Analysis of Leptospira
Surveillance and Ecology of Mosquito, Biting and Filth Breeding Insects
Control and Protection Tools for Integrated Pest Management of Mosquitoes and Filth Flies
Classical Swine Fever Virus: Role of the 3'Utr in Infectivity of Swine
Area-Wide Strategies for Management of Formosan Subterranean Termites
Ecological, Chemical and Molecular Approaches to Reducing Tick Bites and Tick-Borne Diseases
Ecoepidemiology of Emerging Arthropod-Borne Pathogens in the Northeast
Physiological Response of Cattle to Stable Fly Bites
Animal Health Consortium
Development of Sensitive in Vitro Techniques for Prion Detection
Expanding the Immune Toolkit for Assessing Pig Health and Improving Swine Disease and Vaccine Studies
Designing Novel Control Strategies by Identifying Horn Fly Vulnerabilities in the Fly's Life Cycle and Maximizing Insecticide Susceptibility
Haplotype Structure of the Bovine Prion Gene Complex and Association with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Bse)
Countermeasures to Prevent and Control Brucellosis in Livestock and Wildlife Reservoirs
Barrier Treatment for Protection from Mosquitoes
Countermeasures to Prevent and Control Avian Mycoplasmosis
Acoustics Detection of Pests in Crops, Structures, Trees, and Soils
Identification of Cattle with Different Genotypes for Bse Inoculation
Transgenic Analysis of Chronic Wasting Disease Strains
Vesicular Stomatitis Outbreak Field Investigations and Epidemiological Studies of Endemic Areas
Evaluation of Operator Safe Diagnostic Reagents for Rift Valley Fever Virus
Control of Zoonotic Avian Viruses
Validation of Pharmocophore Models of Mosquito Repellents
The Role of Insect Vector Transmission in the Pathogenesis of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus
United States Immune Reagent Network
Rsv Effects on Epithelia Dendritic Cell Cross Talk
United States Veterinary Immune Reagent Network
Biological and Biorational Control of the Formosan Subterranean Termite
Combination Vaccines for Tick-Borne Diseases

A Rift Valley fever risk surveillance system for Africa using remotely sensed data: Potential for use on other continents - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Linthicum, K., Anyamba, A., Britch, S.C., Chretien, J., Erickson, R.L., Small, J., Tucker, C.J., Bennett, K.E., Mayer, R.T., Schmidtmann, E.T., Andreadis, T.G., Anderson, J.F., Wilson, W.C., Freier, J., James, A., Miller, R., Drolet, B.S., Miller, S., Tedrow, C., Bailey, C., Strickman, D.A., Barnard, D.R., Clark, G.G., Zou, L. 2007. A Rift Valley fever Risk Surveillance System for Africa Using Remotely Sensed Data: Potential for use on Other Continents. Veterinaria Italiana 43(3): 663-674.
A Rift Valley Fever Risk Surveillance System in Africa Using Remotely Sensed Data in a GIS: Potential for Use on Other Continents - (Abstract)
Linthicum, K., Anyamba, A., Chretien, J., Erickson, R.L., Small, J., Tucker, C.J., Britch, S.C., Bennett, K.E., Mayer, R.T., Schmidtmann, E.T., Andreadis, T.G., Anderson, J.F., Wilson, W.C., Freier, J., James, A., Miller, R., Drolet, B.S., Miller, S., Tedrow, C., Strickman, D.A., Barnard, D.R., Clark, G.G., Zou, L. 2006. A rift valley fever risk surveillance system in africa using remotely sensed data in a gis: potential for use on other continents. International Conference on Use of GIS in Veterinary Activities in Silvi Marina, Abruzzo, Italy on October 8-11, 2006.

Program Teams
Animal Health (103)
Veterinary, Medical, and Urban Entomology (104) (leader)
Last Modified: 05/08/2009
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