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ANSS - Advanced National Seismic System

National Earthquake Information Center


The mission of the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) is to rapidly determine location and size of all destructive earthquakes worldwide and to immediately disseminate this information to concerned national and international agencies, scientists, and the general public. As the World Data Center for Seismology located in Denver, CO, the NEIC compiles and maintains and extensive global seismic database on earthquake parameters and their effects that serve as a solid foundation for basic and applied earth science research.

National Earthquake Information Center


NEIC Capabilities

Earthquake Response Products

Global Earthquake Locations
Continental US: M3.5
Alaska: M4.0
Pacific Basin: M5.0
Asia: M5.2
Southern Hemisphere: M5.5
Magnitudes: mb, MI, mblg, Ms, Mw
Body-wave Moment Tensor Solutions: M5.5 or larger
Tectonic Summaries: Significant felt earthquakes & all M7+
ShakeMap: Anchorage, Alaska
Community Internet Intensity Maps: United States by zip code; Global by city/town
Email and pager notification
Recent Earthquakes Pages
Detailed Seismicity Maps
Phase data
Historical Seismicity
Historical moment tensor solutions
Global P-wave travel times
Record Sections

General Informational Products

Earthquake Summary Posters: all M7+ or damaging earthquakes
Preliminary Determination of Epicenters Catalog
Earthquake Catalog Searches
Moment Tensor and Broadband Source Parameter Searches
U.S. Mining Activity
International Station Code Registry and Lookup
Summary of the Largest Earthquakes of the Year
Earthquake Email Subscription and Notification
Moment Tensor Email Subscription and Notification
Earthquake Maps for the World and Regions

Contact Info

  • Mailing Address
    United States Geological Survey
    National Earthquake Information Center
    Box 25046, MS966
    Denver, CO 80225

  • FedEx Address
    National Earthquake Information Center
    1711 Illinois Street
    Golden, CO 80401

  • Telephone
    General Information: (303) 273-8600
    Media Information: (303) 273-8600
    Earthquake Information Line: (303) 273-8516
    (Prerecorded information on earthquakes recorded during the previous 24 hours.)
    FAX: (303) 273-8450

  • E-mail

NEIC stations